Monday, December 10, 2012

How long after Lasik eye surgery do my eyes get 100% better?

Q. Im 18 and i had my Lasik surgery done on both eyes, i just wanna know how many months until i reach the point where my eyes are fully healed and adjusted. BTW it was a traditional lasik

A. Ask whoever did the Lasik.

You might even be having uncommon follow up problems, so go ask.

How old do you have to be to get Lasik Eye Surgery?
Q. I'm currently 14 but turning 15 in September. Is it possible for me to get eye surgery to make my vision better? I have HORRIBLE vision without my contacts or glasses. Everything is a blur it's hard for me to see anything. I live in California if that matters.

A. There are many differnt factors that need to be taken into consideration to determine if a person is a good candidate for LASIK. Firstly, you must be AT LEAST 18. Secondly, the patient has to have a stable prescription, meaning that it hasn't changed for at least a year; preferably two. There are other factors such as pupil size, corneal thickness, and tear production (because a side effect of LASIK is dry eyes and if a person's tear production is low to begin with, it will be WORSE post-operatively) All of this criteria is established through a LASIK work-up and if all the tests come out fine, then a person is considered to be a good candidate.

So, you have a few years to save up for it. I know here in Pennsylvania, there aren't many vision insurance plans that cover LASIK yet.

Is it possible to get lasik eye surgery under 18 years of age?
Q. So I'm under 18 and live in Stockton, California and I really am tired of glasses and contacts isn't even an option so is there a place?

A. Lasik is not FDA approved for patients under 18 years old. Your eyes are still growing and changing and they won't do Lasik until your eyes stop changing. I'm 26 and finally my eyesight is beginning to stabilize enough to start looking into it!

Why aren't contacts an option? There are procedures where contacts are implanted underneath the cornea. I'm not sure how old you need to be for that procedure.

Sorry, probably not what you want to hear, but you're just going to have to be patient!

What age is a good age for corrective eye surgery?
Q. I really want corrective eye surgery(glasses my whole life, contacts never worked, etc.), but I'm afraid my eyes are still growing. (I guess a side question would be, when do eyes stop growing?) What age is a good age for corrective eye surgery? I've heard various things, like right after puberty to age 24. Please give a straight, informed answer, not the first result in a search. I really appreciate any help! Thank you!

A. One should typically wait til about mid-20's. Most MD's look for at least 3 yrs of stable vision. The eyes will continue to grow til usually mid to late teens. At infancy, the length of the eyeball is between 17-18 mm and the average adult eyeball is ~24 mm in length. Puberty is typically when the prescription of the eyes change the most. The person has a big growth spurt and grows many inches, the eye lengthens (grows too, but not by big #'s) and you become more nearsighted. Everyone's different, but most people stabilize in mid-20's. Thus, LASIK is best then.

Heads up though, you'll still need reading glasses in your 40's! Everyone does!

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