Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Can I get LASIK eye surgery after I enlist in the Army?

Q. I'm enlisting in the Army. After I finish boot camp and AIT, can I get the LASIK eye surgery? I'm going to pay for it myself of course. I just figured I would get it so if every deployed I don't have to fiddle with glasses. My vision is decent without glasses, but not 20/20. Would the Army let me get it done, or no?

A. Yes. You may have to wait on a list for 6+ months but my husband is a marine and he recieved free LASIK surgery in march. He was also qualified to recieve other forms of corrective eye surgery

What is the highest perscription you can get for your eyes?
Q. I'm just wondering since my eyes are 20/350 and 20/375. I know that is awful because it feels awful. Also does Lasik eye surgery make your vision 20/20?

A. hi
i have seen people with worse vision than u have but with spects or lenses their vision was improved very much to a satisfying level, now i ur case i m guessing that wat u have described is ur vision without glasses.
and i can imagine ur power will be around -5.00 to -6.00 sph which i can say its not too high coz i see people with power around 11.00 to 12.00 sph working normally with spects or lenses.
ofcourse u should consult ur doctor about lasik, there are many people who's vision is restored back to 20/20 from almost blind. so lasik can be helpful to u to get rid of ur spects.
any more advices u need contact me on kothari_jay55@yahoo.com
i m a qualified optometrist runnin my own optical shop.

Is LASIK or PRK eye surgery legal to qualify in the pilot program for the US Air Force?
Q. there are some rumors that eye surgery would disqualified students who wants to become a pilot and there are some that says it is OK as long you get a waiver with the ROTC detachment after a whole year from the surgery date. What is the truth? Is there a specific specification on measurements that needs to be done the eyes? If so, where can you get it? Thanks!

A. If you are interested in becoming an AF pilot and need PRK to correct your vision, I suggest you start doing your research by going here: http://wantscheck.com/PilotSlotResources/MedicalTips/tabid/68/Default.aspx and here: http://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/

After I had PRK surgery I had to receive not only a commissioning waiver (not hard to get), but also a Flying Class I waiver (harder to get). However, as long as you do enough research you should be ok to press. Check out those websites and that should clear up some confusion. Good luck!

Can I deduct the cost of lasik surgery as a medical expense?
Q. I had lasik surgery this year and I started wondering if I itemize can I deduct lasik as a medical expense or since it is a cosmetic or unnecessary procedure would it be disqualified as a deduction?

A. You can deduct it if it is to correct "defective vision". LASIK is mentioned by name at http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/rr-03-57.pdf as being for the correction of bodily disfunction and therefore a legitimate medical expense that may be deducted. For tax purposes, "cosmetic" surgery is surgery that is to make you look better to others (facelifts, breast implants, etc.), not surgery to help you see normally.

a. "You can include in medical expenses the amount you pay for eye surgery to treat defective vision, such as laser eye surgery or radial keratotomy. "
b. "...laser eye surgery is allowed under § 213(d)(9) because the surgery is a procedure that meaningfully promotes the proper function of the body. Vision correction with eyeglasses or contact lenses qualifies as medical care. See Rev. Rul. 74-429, 1974-2 C.B. 83. Eye surgery to correct defective vision, including laser procedures such as LASIK and radial keratotomy, corrects a dysfunction of the body. Accordingly, the cost of the laser eye surgery is an expense for medical care within the meaning of § 213(d) that B may deduct under § 213 (subject to the limitations of that section)."
c. You can deduct "Surgery to improve defective vision, such as laser eye surgery".
d. "The cost of items such as false teeth, prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, laser eye surgery, hearing aids, crutches, wheelchairs, and guide dogs for the blind or deaf are deductible medical expenses."

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