When glasses were invented did they have a big impact on the society?
Q. How many people had them? Where they mass produced? What kind of people had them? How much did they cost? Did they lead to any other inventions?
A. The first recorded use of a corrective lens was by the emperor Nero, who was known to watch the gladiatorial games using an emerald[1].
Sunglasses were first used in China in the 12th century or possibly earlier. The "lenses" of these glasses were flat panes of smoky quartz, which offered no corrective powers but did protect the eyes from glare.
Glasses first began to appear in common use in northern Italy late in the 13th century; most likely in the late 1280s. It is not clear when the technology was invented. It has been said that Marco Polo reported seeing many pairs of glasses in China as early as 1275[citation needed]. In 1676, Franciscus Redi, a professor of medicine at the University of Pisa, wrote that he possessed a 1289 manuscript whose author complains that he would be unable to read or write were it not for the recent invention of glasses, and a record of a sermon given in 1305, in which the speaker, a Dominican monk named Fra Giordano da Rivalto, remarked that glasses had been invented less than twenty years previously, and that he had met the inventor. Based on this evidence, Redi credited another Dominican monk, Fra Alessandro da Spina of Pisa, with the re-invention of glasses after their original inventor kept them a secret, a claim contained in da Spina's obituary record.
In 1738, a Florentine historian named Domenico Manni reported that a tombstone in Florence credited one Salvino d'Armato (died 1317) with the invention of glasses. Other stories, possibly legendary, credit Roger Bacon with the invention. Bacon's published writings describe the magnifying glass (which he did not invent), but make no mention of glasses. His treatise De iride ("On the Rainbow"), which was written while he was a student of Robert Grosseteste, no later than 1235, mentions using optics to "read the smallest letters at incredible distances".
These early spectacles had convex lenses that could correct the presbyopia (farsightedness) that commonly develops as a symptom of aging. Nicholas of Cusa is believed to have discovered the benefits of concave lens in the treatment of myopia (nearsightedness). However, it was not until 1604 that Johannes Kepler published in his treatise on optics and astronomy, the first correct explanation as to why convex and concave lenses could correct presbyopia and myopia.
The American scientist Benjamin Franklin, who suffered from both myopia and presbyopia, invented bifocals in 1784 to avoid having to regularly switch between two pairs of glasses. The first lenses for correcting astigmatism were constructed by the British astronomer George Airy in 1827.
Over time, the construction of spectacle frames also evolved. Early eyepieces were designed to be either held in place by hand or by exerting pressure on the nose (pince-nez). Girolamo Savonarola suggested that eyepieces could be held in place by a ribbon passed over the wearer's head, this in turn secured by the weight of a hat. The modern style of glasses, held by temples passing over the ears, was developed in 1727 by the British optician Edward Scarlett. These designs were not immediately successful, however, and various styles with attached handles such as scissors glasses and lorgnettes remained fashionable throughout the 18th and into the early 19th century.
In the early 20th century, Moritz von Rohr at Zeiss (with the assistance of H. Boegehold and A. Sonnefeld[1]), developed the Zeiss Punktal® spherical point-focus lenses that dominated the eyeglass lens field for many years.
Despite the increasing popularity of contact lenses and laser corrective eye surgery, glasses remain very common and their technology has not stood still. For instance, it is now possible to purchase frames made of special memory metal alloys that return to their correct shape after being bent. Other frames have spring-loaded hinges. Either of these designs offers dramatically better ability to withstand the stresses of daily wear and the occasional accident. Modern frames are also often made from strong, light-weight materials such as titanium alloys, which were not available in earlier times.
Sunglasses were first used in China in the 12th century or possibly earlier. The "lenses" of these glasses were flat panes of smoky quartz, which offered no corrective powers but did protect the eyes from glare.
Glasses first began to appear in common use in northern Italy late in the 13th century; most likely in the late 1280s. It is not clear when the technology was invented. It has been said that Marco Polo reported seeing many pairs of glasses in China as early as 1275[citation needed]. In 1676, Franciscus Redi, a professor of medicine at the University of Pisa, wrote that he possessed a 1289 manuscript whose author complains that he would be unable to read or write were it not for the recent invention of glasses, and a record of a sermon given in 1305, in which the speaker, a Dominican monk named Fra Giordano da Rivalto, remarked that glasses had been invented less than twenty years previously, and that he had met the inventor. Based on this evidence, Redi credited another Dominican monk, Fra Alessandro da Spina of Pisa, with the re-invention of glasses after their original inventor kept them a secret, a claim contained in da Spina's obituary record.
In 1738, a Florentine historian named Domenico Manni reported that a tombstone in Florence credited one Salvino d'Armato (died 1317) with the invention of glasses. Other stories, possibly legendary, credit Roger Bacon with the invention. Bacon's published writings describe the magnifying glass (which he did not invent), but make no mention of glasses. His treatise De iride ("On the Rainbow"), which was written while he was a student of Robert Grosseteste, no later than 1235, mentions using optics to "read the smallest letters at incredible distances".
These early spectacles had convex lenses that could correct the presbyopia (farsightedness) that commonly develops as a symptom of aging. Nicholas of Cusa is believed to have discovered the benefits of concave lens in the treatment of myopia (nearsightedness). However, it was not until 1604 that Johannes Kepler published in his treatise on optics and astronomy, the first correct explanation as to why convex and concave lenses could correct presbyopia and myopia.
The American scientist Benjamin Franklin, who suffered from both myopia and presbyopia, invented bifocals in 1784 to avoid having to regularly switch between two pairs of glasses. The first lenses for correcting astigmatism were constructed by the British astronomer George Airy in 1827.
Over time, the construction of spectacle frames also evolved. Early eyepieces were designed to be either held in place by hand or by exerting pressure on the nose (pince-nez). Girolamo Savonarola suggested that eyepieces could be held in place by a ribbon passed over the wearer's head, this in turn secured by the weight of a hat. The modern style of glasses, held by temples passing over the ears, was developed in 1727 by the British optician Edward Scarlett. These designs were not immediately successful, however, and various styles with attached handles such as scissors glasses and lorgnettes remained fashionable throughout the 18th and into the early 19th century.
In the early 20th century, Moritz von Rohr at Zeiss (with the assistance of H. Boegehold and A. Sonnefeld[1]), developed the Zeiss Punktal® spherical point-focus lenses that dominated the eyeglass lens field for many years.
Despite the increasing popularity of contact lenses and laser corrective eye surgery, glasses remain very common and their technology has not stood still. For instance, it is now possible to purchase frames made of special memory metal alloys that return to their correct shape after being bent. Other frames have spring-loaded hinges. Either of these designs offers dramatically better ability to withstand the stresses of daily wear and the occasional accident. Modern frames are also often made from strong, light-weight materials such as titanium alloys, which were not available in earlier times.
Chandelier Lighting : who can explain to me about Chandelier Lighting ?
Q. Appreciate if someone could describe to me in detail the interesting things about Chandelier Lighting.
A. The history of chandeliers is as varied as the styles and material that a chandelier is made out of. From the first time that someone realized how brilliantly lit a domicile was if you had multiple candles burning above people's heads or their natural line of sight. Chandeliers jumped from mere light fixtures high above peoples head, to a craftsman's work of art. During the early 19th century, chandeliers were made to look, shine, and display their light in a specific well crafted way. In fact, there are old rot iron chandeliers that the lighting itself is part of the style. There were many chandeliers made back in the turn of the century to create a desired shadow displayed on the walls and the floor of the room that it was placed in. Legend has it that Edison created a chandelier made entirely of mirrors, and it gave off so much light that it allowed the doctor to perform surgery on his Edison's mother. Where the story is true or not, chandeliers have become more and more brilliant at time has worn on. As chandeliers have become more modern, the way they show off their light has also become more modern.
Chandelier lighting wakes up, opens up, and illuminates the entire room. A chandelier is a great way to bring attention to the ceiling, draw the eye to a focal point, or merely light a table. When you suspend a chandelier above a table or a chair, it enhances the look and feel of your beautiful and elegant furnishings.
You can read more from source
Chandelier lighting wakes up, opens up, and illuminates the entire room. A chandelier is a great way to bring attention to the ceiling, draw the eye to a focal point, or merely light a table. When you suspend a chandelier above a table or a chair, it enhances the look and feel of your beautiful and elegant furnishings.
You can read more from source
Atheists and others who are confused, can you explain these truths?
Q. Science tells us that it is impossible for "something" to come from nothing. The only logical explanation is a "God" who has always been, and was never created. This "God" is the only thing that could be eternal and therefore create matter, time, space, energy, etc.
Our minds cannot fully grasp this fact, we always think everything has a beginning, but the Holy Bible says that God is eternal. The word eternal means no beginning and no end. Time and God are the most mind baffling subjects that a human can try and grasp. It's quite simple, God for sure exists, The best explanation of God is in the Bible. Is this true or not?
Explain my life to me;
When I was 8 I had some pains in my lower leg, in a few days it had moved to my upper leg. Then after cat scans, x-rays and all sorts of blood and other tests the doctors found a very rare tumor on my inner pelvic, I was in a wheelchair because of the horrible pain. The doctors decided to do surgery after a few more tests and x-rays. A couple days before my next x-ray, one of my family members had their Christian pastor come and pray for me, my pain started to leave. When they took x-rays a couple days later, the tumor and pain were totally gone. I still have the before and after x-rays.
I believed in God ever since I was healed, and I had plenty of evidence, and knew His power, but I still had to make the choice to follow Him. I rejected Him for years and refused to submit to God. After 13 years of being addicted to meth, alcohol, cigarettes, pot and prescription pills, I was finally ready for a change.
I started by studying the Holy Bible with others(Church), and asked lots of questions. After a couple years of this I found out who God (Jesus) is, and began a relationship with Him. This caused me to want to learn more and more about Him. Now I can't help but want to make God happy, and do what He says to us in His love letter to us, the Holy Bible. Now He shows Himself daily through answered prayers, signs and all sorts of other ways. Thanks to God, I'm 27 years old and free from all of my addictions.
God healed my inner pelvic tumor through a pastors prayer, since then I've believed.
Now I wake up everyday with an unexplainable happiness, peace and calm. I know truth and have the strength and courage to proclaim it, even though I know I'll be ridiculed, hated and mistreated by those who don't understand these actualities.
I know people who need no evidence before they believe and they have just as strong of faith as i do, but I know a-lot of people who needed something big to happen to open their eyes. I also know some people who have a-lot of personal evidence and believe, but still refuse to submit to God and follow Him.
Does the knowledge of these scriptures make any sense to you non believers?
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
In Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9 Jesus said;
�Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
1 Chronicles 28:9
"And you, my child, acknowledge God, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.
Deuteronomy 4:29
But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Exodus 33:19-20
19 And the Lord said, �I will cause all My goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim My name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. 20 But,� God said, �you cannot see my face, for no person may see me and live.�
God bless you if you took the time to read and honestly answer my questions.
Our minds cannot fully grasp this fact, we always think everything has a beginning, but the Holy Bible says that God is eternal. The word eternal means no beginning and no end. Time and God are the most mind baffling subjects that a human can try and grasp. It's quite simple, God for sure exists, The best explanation of God is in the Bible. Is this true or not?
Explain my life to me;
When I was 8 I had some pains in my lower leg, in a few days it had moved to my upper leg. Then after cat scans, x-rays and all sorts of blood and other tests the doctors found a very rare tumor on my inner pelvic, I was in a wheelchair because of the horrible pain. The doctors decided to do surgery after a few more tests and x-rays. A couple days before my next x-ray, one of my family members had their Christian pastor come and pray for me, my pain started to leave. When they took x-rays a couple days later, the tumor and pain were totally gone. I still have the before and after x-rays.
I believed in God ever since I was healed, and I had plenty of evidence, and knew His power, but I still had to make the choice to follow Him. I rejected Him for years and refused to submit to God. After 13 years of being addicted to meth, alcohol, cigarettes, pot and prescription pills, I was finally ready for a change.
I started by studying the Holy Bible with others(Church), and asked lots of questions. After a couple years of this I found out who God (Jesus) is, and began a relationship with Him. This caused me to want to learn more and more about Him. Now I can't help but want to make God happy, and do what He says to us in His love letter to us, the Holy Bible. Now He shows Himself daily through answered prayers, signs and all sorts of other ways. Thanks to God, I'm 27 years old and free from all of my addictions.
God healed my inner pelvic tumor through a pastors prayer, since then I've believed.
Now I wake up everyday with an unexplainable happiness, peace and calm. I know truth and have the strength and courage to proclaim it, even though I know I'll be ridiculed, hated and mistreated by those who don't understand these actualities.
I know people who need no evidence before they believe and they have just as strong of faith as i do, but I know a-lot of people who needed something big to happen to open their eyes. I also know some people who have a-lot of personal evidence and believe, but still refuse to submit to God and follow Him.
Does the knowledge of these scriptures make any sense to you non believers?
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
In Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9 Jesus said;
�Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
1 Chronicles 28:9
"And you, my child, acknowledge God, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.
Deuteronomy 4:29
But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Exodus 33:19-20
19 And the Lord said, �I will cause all My goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim My name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. 20 But,� God said, �you cannot see my face, for no person may see me and live.�
God bless you if you took the time to read and honestly answer my questions.
A. Praise God for healing you and showing you this knowledge and wisdom!
In order to explain these truths they(the misled) would have to admit they are wrong in their assumptions about Christians.
There is a-lot of concrete evidence proving the truths of the Holy Bible and the existence of God, from the large amount of archeological proof, to the other historical non Biblical writings that parallel the Bible. Plus, just ask the millions who've had the same experiences with miracles like yourself.
God is still healing people in huge numbers to this day, That doesn't mean He has to heal everyone, but according to His plan, He chooses to heal many.
There is also ample scientific evidence that the naive atheists and others decide to ignore.
such as;
Darwin's Deadly Legacy (1 of 7)
Creation In The 21st Century - Planet Earth Is Special 1 of 3
Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 1 of 3
Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 2 of 3
Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation
More than 600 Scientist with Phd�s who have Signed A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM
�We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.
Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.�
People can know all these fact, but still reject God. This is due to the fact that it's not an intellectual battle, it's moral. People want to be their own god, and live for themselves. In order to truly love God, we have to figuratively die to ourselves and start to live for God.
Yes, those are great scriptures for those of us with the wisdom of God, but to people who've been decieied by this world and their king, the deciever(devil), It's no different than quotes from false religious writings like the the qur'an, the hindu (holy) books, the wiccan rede, etc.
We will be persecuted in many ways for proclaiming the truth to people who don't want to face the reality of life, and why they are here. God created you for a reason, but it's up to you to choose the right path.
He did not create puppets on a string that do what He wants when He wants, He created people with free will to chose to do right and worship God. God could've made robots that walk around being perfect saying PRAISE YOU GOD, PRAISE YOU GOD, but He wants us to learn to unconditionally love Him and one another like He loves us.
Unconditional love is a choice, not just emotion or feelings. It means to love someone no matter what they do, to love without gaining anything from that person. The same way God loves us
God bless you too. I'm glad people with such knowledge have found Y/A.
In order to explain these truths they(the misled) would have to admit they are wrong in their assumptions about Christians.
There is a-lot of concrete evidence proving the truths of the Holy Bible and the existence of God, from the large amount of archeological proof, to the other historical non Biblical writings that parallel the Bible. Plus, just ask the millions who've had the same experiences with miracles like yourself.
God is still healing people in huge numbers to this day, That doesn't mean He has to heal everyone, but according to His plan, He chooses to heal many.
There is also ample scientific evidence that the naive atheists and others decide to ignore.
such as;
Darwin's Deadly Legacy (1 of 7)
Creation In The 21st Century - Planet Earth Is Special 1 of 3
Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 1 of 3
Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 2 of 3
Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation
More than 600 Scientist with Phd�s who have Signed A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM
�We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.
Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.�
People can know all these fact, but still reject God. This is due to the fact that it's not an intellectual battle, it's moral. People want to be their own god, and live for themselves. In order to truly love God, we have to figuratively die to ourselves and start to live for God.
Yes, those are great scriptures for those of us with the wisdom of God, but to people who've been decieied by this world and their king, the deciever(devil), It's no different than quotes from false religious writings like the the qur'an, the hindu (holy) books, the wiccan rede, etc.
We will be persecuted in many ways for proclaiming the truth to people who don't want to face the reality of life, and why they are here. God created you for a reason, but it's up to you to choose the right path.
He did not create puppets on a string that do what He wants when He wants, He created people with free will to chose to do right and worship God. God could've made robots that walk around being perfect saying PRAISE YOU GOD, PRAISE YOU GOD, but He wants us to learn to unconditionally love Him and one another like He loves us.
Unconditional love is a choice, not just emotion or feelings. It means to love someone no matter what they do, to love without gaining anything from that person. The same way God loves us
God bless you too. I'm glad people with such knowledge have found Y/A.
Atheists and others who are confused, can you explain these truths?
Q. Science tells us that it is impossible for "something" to come from nothing. The only logical explanation is a "God" who has always been, and was never created. This "God" is the only thing that could be eternal and therefore create matter, time, space, energy, etc.
Our minds cannot fully grasp this fact, we always think everything has a beginning, but the Holy Bible says that God is eternal. The word eternal means no beginning and no end. Time and God are the most mind baffling subjects that a human can try and grasp. It's quite simple, God for sure exists, The best explanation of God is in the Bible. Is this true or not?
Explain my life to me;
When I was 8 I had some pains in my lower leg, in a few days it had moved to my upper leg. Then after cat scans, x-rays and all sorts of blood and other tests the doctors found a very rare tumor on my inner pelvic, I was in a wheelchair because of the horrible pain. The doctors decided to do surgery after a few more tests and x-rays. A couple days before my next x-ray, one of my family members had their Christian pastor come and pray for me, my pain started to leave. When they took x-rays a couple days later, the tumor and pain were totally gone. I still have the before and after x-rays.
I believed in God ever since I was healed, and I had plenty of evidence, and knew His power, but I still had to make the choice to follow Him. I rejected Him for years and refused to submit to God. After 13 years of being addicted to meth, alcohol, cigarettes, pot and prescription pills, I was finally ready for a change.
I started by studying the Holy Bible with others(Church), and asked lots of questions. After a couple years of this I found out who God (Jesus) is, and began a relationship with Him. This caused me to want to learn more and more about Him. Now I can't help but want to make God happy, and do what He says to us in His love letter to us, the Holy Bible. Now He shows Himself daily through answered prayers, signs and all sorts of other ways. Thanks to God, I'm 27 years old and free from all of my addictions.
God healed my inner pelvic tumor through a pastors prayer, since then I've believed.
Now I wake up everyday with an unexplainable happiness, peace and calm. I know truth and have the strength and courage to proclaim it, even though I know I'll be ridiculed, hated and mistreated by those who don't understand these actualities.
I know people who need no evidence before they believe and they have just as strong of faith as i do, but I know a-lot of people who needed something big to happen to open their eyes. I also know some people who have a-lot of personal evidence and believe, but still refuse to submit to God and follow Him.
Does the knowledge of these scriptures make any sense to you non believers?
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
In Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9 Jesus said;
�Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
1 Chronicles 28:9
"And you, my child, acknowledge God, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.
Deuteronomy 4:29
But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Exodus 33:19-20
19 And the Lord said, �I will cause all My goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim My name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. 20 But,� God said, �you cannot see my face, for no person may see me and live.�
God bless you if you took the time to read and honestly answer my questions.
Our minds cannot fully grasp this fact, we always think everything has a beginning, but the Holy Bible says that God is eternal. The word eternal means no beginning and no end. Time and God are the most mind baffling subjects that a human can try and grasp. It's quite simple, God for sure exists, The best explanation of God is in the Bible. Is this true or not?
Explain my life to me;
When I was 8 I had some pains in my lower leg, in a few days it had moved to my upper leg. Then after cat scans, x-rays and all sorts of blood and other tests the doctors found a very rare tumor on my inner pelvic, I was in a wheelchair because of the horrible pain. The doctors decided to do surgery after a few more tests and x-rays. A couple days before my next x-ray, one of my family members had their Christian pastor come and pray for me, my pain started to leave. When they took x-rays a couple days later, the tumor and pain were totally gone. I still have the before and after x-rays.
I believed in God ever since I was healed, and I had plenty of evidence, and knew His power, but I still had to make the choice to follow Him. I rejected Him for years and refused to submit to God. After 13 years of being addicted to meth, alcohol, cigarettes, pot and prescription pills, I was finally ready for a change.
I started by studying the Holy Bible with others(Church), and asked lots of questions. After a couple years of this I found out who God (Jesus) is, and began a relationship with Him. This caused me to want to learn more and more about Him. Now I can't help but want to make God happy, and do what He says to us in His love letter to us, the Holy Bible. Now He shows Himself daily through answered prayers, signs and all sorts of other ways. Thanks to God, I'm 27 years old and free from all of my addictions.
God healed my inner pelvic tumor through a pastors prayer, since then I've believed.
Now I wake up everyday with an unexplainable happiness, peace and calm. I know truth and have the strength and courage to proclaim it, even though I know I'll be ridiculed, hated and mistreated by those who don't understand these actualities.
I know people who need no evidence before they believe and they have just as strong of faith as i do, but I know a-lot of people who needed something big to happen to open their eyes. I also know some people who have a-lot of personal evidence and believe, but still refuse to submit to God and follow Him.
Does the knowledge of these scriptures make any sense to you non believers?
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
In Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9 Jesus said;
�Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
1 Chronicles 28:9
"And you, my child, acknowledge God, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.
Deuteronomy 4:29
But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Exodus 33:19-20
19 And the Lord said, �I will cause all My goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim My name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. 20 But,� God said, �you cannot see my face, for no person may see me and live.�
God bless you if you took the time to read and honestly answer my questions.
A. Praise God for healing you and showing you this knowledge and wisdom!
In order to explain these truths they(the misled) would have to admit they are wrong in their assumptions about Christians.
There is a-lot of concrete evidence proving the truths of the Holy Bible and the existence of God, from the large amount of archeological proof, to the other historical non Biblical writings that parallel the Bible. Plus, just ask the millions who've had the same experiences with miracles like yourself.
God is still healing people in huge numbers to this day, That doesn't mean He has to heal everyone, but according to His plan, He chooses to heal many.
There is also ample scientific evidence that the naive atheists and others decide to ignore.
such as;
Darwin's Deadly Legacy (1 of 7)
Creation In The 21st Century - Planet Earth Is Special 1 of 3
Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 1 of 3
Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 2 of 3
Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation
More than 600 Scientist with Phd�s who have Signed A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM
�We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.
Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.�
People can know all these fact, but still reject God. This is due to the fact that it's not an intellectual battle, it's moral. People want to be their own god, and live for themselves. In order to truly love God, we have to figuratively die to ourselves and start to live for God.
Yes, those are great scriptures for those of us with the wisdom of God, but to people who've been decieied by this world and their king, the deciever(devil), It's no different than quotes from false religious writings like the the qur'an, the hindu (holy) books, the wiccan rede, etc.
We will be persecuted in many ways for proclaiming the truth to people who don't want to face the reality of life, and why they are here. God created you for a reason, but it's up to you to choose the right path.
He did not create puppets on a string that do what He wants when He wants, He created people with free will to chose to do right and worship God. God could've made robots that walk around being perfect saying PRAISE YOU GOD, PRAISE YOU GOD, but He wants us to learn to unconditionally love Him and one another like He loves us.
Unconditional love is a choice, not just emotion or feelings. It means to love someone no matter what they do, to love without gaining anything from that person. The same way God loves us
God bless you too. I'm glad people with such knowledge have found Y/A.
In order to explain these truths they(the misled) would have to admit they are wrong in their assumptions about Christians.
There is a-lot of concrete evidence proving the truths of the Holy Bible and the existence of God, from the large amount of archeological proof, to the other historical non Biblical writings that parallel the Bible. Plus, just ask the millions who've had the same experiences with miracles like yourself.
God is still healing people in huge numbers to this day, That doesn't mean He has to heal everyone, but according to His plan, He chooses to heal many.
There is also ample scientific evidence that the naive atheists and others decide to ignore.
such as;
Darwin's Deadly Legacy (1 of 7)
Creation In The 21st Century - Planet Earth Is Special 1 of 3
Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 1 of 3
Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 2 of 3
Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation
More than 600 Scientist with Phd�s who have Signed A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM
�We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.
Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.�
People can know all these fact, but still reject God. This is due to the fact that it's not an intellectual battle, it's moral. People want to be their own god, and live for themselves. In order to truly love God, we have to figuratively die to ourselves and start to live for God.
Yes, those are great scriptures for those of us with the wisdom of God, but to people who've been decieied by this world and their king, the deciever(devil), It's no different than quotes from false religious writings like the the qur'an, the hindu (holy) books, the wiccan rede, etc.
We will be persecuted in many ways for proclaiming the truth to people who don't want to face the reality of life, and why they are here. God created you for a reason, but it's up to you to choose the right path.
He did not create puppets on a string that do what He wants when He wants, He created people with free will to chose to do right and worship God. God could've made robots that walk around being perfect saying PRAISE YOU GOD, PRAISE YOU GOD, but He wants us to learn to unconditionally love Him and one another like He loves us.
Unconditional love is a choice, not just emotion or feelings. It means to love someone no matter what they do, to love without gaining anything from that person. The same way God loves us
God bless you too. I'm glad people with such knowledge have found Y/A.
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