Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I have a watery eye?

Q. For the last 3 days my left eye has been watering a whole lot. not just a little bit but ALOT. it looks like i am crying. normally it only happens when I yawn but its constantly doing it. Could it be an eye infections like pink eye or just getting a cold...ewww
I havnt taken an alergy test befor but Im sure I have them, I even took an alergy pill this morning ( i have cats) normally it makes it go away but not this time.....

A. Your tear duct (drain) can become clogged, or even blocked. (dacryostenosis) Your ophthalmologist can do a simple test to see if this is the case. It can often be corrected in the office by "flushing" out the duct, sometimes it requires surgery. (dacryocystorhinostomy, or DCR for short)

Allergies cause tearing, but is almost always associated with itching and/or irritation. There are drops available over the counter called Naphcon-A or Opcon-A, they used to be prescription, use them twice a day.

Dryness can cause irritation, which causes what's called 'reflex tearing'. The simple way to find out if it is due to dryness is to lubricate the eye constantly with artificial lubricants for a day. If it relieves the symptoms, you know that was the cause.

Tearing can also be associated with a cold, the swelling in the tissue arund the eyes and nose can close off the drain. If you are able to take a decongestant, it should help.

Why Is My One Eye Always Watering? And How To Stop It?
Q. My right eye tears ups even after my recent DCR. I have had a problem with my right eye running for about 6 months now. I finally got the DCR surgery and it's not been 2 months since the procedure. This hasn't helped at all. My eye doesn't hurt, there is no goop in it in the mornings and I've tried using moisture drops to see if it simply was a dry eye. I've stopped wearing my contacts when this started and have been tested for major allergies to rule that out of the question. I'm a 26 year old male so I know it's not menopause as some people have suggested, or at least I hope it's not :). Please any and all information anyone has would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

A. sounds like your tear duct is blocked, maybe the DCR didn't work, or maybe the duct is still inflammed from the procedure. You need to go back to your ophthalmologist.

what is with my eye???????
Q. my eye has been watering at really random times lately! i have had a cold the past week or so, but its pretty much gone now.. is that what could have caused it?? i don't have pink eye or anything, but sometimes it will sting a little and then water. for no apparent reason. my hair covers it most of the time... is that the problem? idk... help please :(

thanks :)

A. Watering of the eyes can occur if excess tears are produced or tear drainage is affected.

-Constant irritation of the eye, either due to disease of the eye or due to foreign body in the eye. It can also result from lashes irritating the eye as in ectropion or due to drying of the eye from to any cause.

-Tears are not being drained properly as in naso-lacrimal duct obstruction.

Treatment with antibiotics tablets and ointments.

If the infection has been there for a long time, it leads to permanent scarring and blockade. This requires surgery called as DCR or dacryo cysto rhinostomy.

In this, the lacrimal sac is opened, and connected to the nasal mucosa, so the blocked naso-lacrimal duct is by-passed.

The surgery is done under local anaesthesia in an operation theatre and requires about 1/2- 1 hour.

eye stent , makeup problem?
Q. Ok so a week ago i had a DCR (Dacryocystorhinostomy) procedure, and i went to get it checked up and my doctor said that it looked good, and that I'll have to keep the stent they put in for two months. now i have a problem about that because i wear eyeliner every day and i am now willing to give it up. I'm not sure if for those two months I'm not allowed to wear any or if the stents are just there to keep the tear ducts open. (its just a little clear tube that runs through one duct into the other, keeping it open.i really need eyeliner i look awful without it. so, do you think i can wear it or maybe there is some other makeup that i can use.

A. My daughter had that surgery. Twice. I would caution you concerning the placement and removal of the makeup. I would be extremely careful. If you must put on the liner, perhaps you can from going all the way to the duct. I would use a pencil liner. Also, mascara can be difficult to remove. I would get something that dissolves easily with water. Remember: the more you have to rub to get makeup off the more you aggravate the duct. Good luck! If my daughter has to have another tube put in it will be permanent this time. So we are VERY careful about her eyes.

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