Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lasik Eye Surgery question (sort of)?

Q. I am going tomorrow to have a blade free lasik procedure performed and the doctor prescribed 2 5mg pills of Valium to be taken an hour before the surgery. Now, I understand all of the precautions (don't take if pregnant, no heavy machinery, no driving, etc...) but one kind of threw me off. Why is it that I cannot eat or drink grapefruit when taking the Valium? It does not say to stay away from citrus-which maybe I could figure out, but only grapefruit in particular is mentioned.
Anybody know?

A. Q What's Wrong with Grapefruit Juice?
What is it about grapefruit and grapefruit juice that interferes with the effect of some drugs?
A Answer (Published 11/3/2006)

Actually, grapefruit juice more than grapefruit itself seems to be the problem � something it contains interferes with the absorption and metabolism of a number of drugs (although there is increasing concern that eating grapefruit might do the same). The affected drugs include calcium channel blockers used to treat high blood pressure, non-sedating antihistamines such as Hismanal (astemizole), certain tranquilizers including Valium (diazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), Halcion (triazolam), and others, a number of cholesterol-lowering drugs, including Lipitor (atorvastatin), Mevacor (lovastatin) and other statins, and the immunosuppressive drugs used to prevent rejection of transplanted tissues organs and the antiviral agents used to treat HIV/AIDS.

With the tranquilizers, you may notice increased sedation. More dangerous side effects including kidney toxicity; increased susceptibility to infections could develop among those taking immunosuppressive drugs. Grapefruit juice can even enhance your response to caffeine, resulting in nervousness and over-stimulation.

Orange juice doesn't appear to have these effects and neither do any other types of juice made from citrus fruits.

lasik experience?
Q. when u first took lasik surgeries for your eyes, didn't it hurt with the laser go thru your eyes? how do they fix your eyes? do they put you to sleep while surgery or do you have to make your eye open and start screaming in pain??

A. There is no pain involved with Lasik. Only discomfort when the suction ring is placed on your eye...this serves to create an appropriate surface to creat the flap prior to applying the corrective laser treatment. The cool beam laser is programmed to reshape the cornea according to your rx and high order abberations, changing the way light enters your eye and hits your retina. You are usually given a mild sedative, xanax or valium, to help you relax but they never put you to sleep. There is no pain so there would be no reason for you to scream. Most patients are nervouse going into the procedure and almost all of them say they can't believe how easy it was. You need to educate yourself and go have a free consultation at a Lasik Provider in your area. Your concerns are common.

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