Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Is it better to get laser eye surgery correction when you are younger?

lasik eye surgery for presbyopia
 on presbyopia_surgery
lasik eye surgery for presbyopia image


Or older? Also if my eyes have changed prescription slightly since 2 years ago, will they deteriate faster because my prescription changed slightly. I am currently about -1.75 in each eye and contemplating whether to get it done for around £2000 (in total because I need customvue as my pupils are too big for standard treatment). Many thanks for any answers :)

You probably get the most value for your money if you do it shortly after your eyes stop changing. For most people this is their mid twenties. The way we expect things to work is that LASIK takes care of your myopia pretty much for life. We do expect you to develop presbyopia some time in your forties. When that happens, you will need reading glasses. If you have LASIK in your mid twenties, you have the best chance at the most glasses free years possible for your money.

What is the best operation for correction of myopia?


Is it LASIK, PRK or The Visian ICL or any other?
I'm talking about permanent cure to myopia.
Please suggest operations which have least or no complications.

With today's technology, there are no permanent cures. The best we have is LASIK and that may not provide the person with perfect 20/20 vision. Also if the eye then changes in shape years down the road, a follow up surgery may be indicated. Also, LASIK does not correct for presbyopia (needing bifocals). But, that's the best we have today.

Every surgery has it's risks. What the patient must do (and it is strickly up to the patient), is to weigh what is called "risk versus reward". Does the risk of the surgery and something going wrong outweigh the reward if everything goes right or does the reward outweigh the risk?

Each person is different and must be evaluated for the surgery in order to make that determination.

Gather all the facts (not myths) and then weigh the risks and rewards that are specifically applicable to your case. It can only be your call.

ON EDIT: Here we go again, the "natural" remedy. It's a bunch of hogwash! Totally and completely a fraud. Those who fall for it lose their money and don't gain anything.

FACT: Visual acuity is determined by the shape of the eye and NOT the muscles surrounding the eye like they would want you to believe in this SCAM. The shape of the eye, like the shape of a person's nose, can only be changed by surgery and Not by doing "muscle exercises".

If you want to try "natural" cures that don't exist, go to these WITCH DOCTORS and they will happily take your money and run.

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