Saturday, August 17, 2013

What are your thoughts on the occupy wall street movement ?

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It is said that this generation is full of unique and creative thought. I would disagree seeing as how this generation has not produced any significant advances in science mathematics or even literature. in fact this is perhaps the most despicable generation in the history of America. you protest big corporations and their greed yet you use their products in your day to day lives how can you protest these corporations yet you buy their products and in turn increase their profits. It is as if you were to hunt a beast out if hate, catch and then build an altar to praise it. I could write a thesis about how stupid and ridiculous you people are instead I would rather just read your comments. Don't tell me about lasik eye surgery, advances in HIV retro therapy. By "by significant scientific advances" I am referring to something as proportional as E=MC squared, the nuclear bomb, flight. These men had virtually nothing to reference yet created wonders. Einstein, the wright brothers. I believe that you're all a bunch of babbling fools looking for purpose incapable finding that you join the closest most ridiculous rally that you can attend. I predict that 9 out 10 of you will produce a completely irrelevant and highly idiotic response.
I do realisation that I made a few grammatical mistakes.
America asked for this. In fact, the people jumped for when they elected Bush and then again they jumped for joy when they elected Obama. Is this not what they wanted?
Realise* I blame this on the auto fill feature.

Most of them are the most entitled Americans ever. If I didn't love my country as much as I do, I would pray that they get the socialistic government they want so badly. They think camping out in the cold is bad, try living in the cold all your life, eating nothing but raw potatoes, trying to go to sleep fearing that some government goons will shoot you in your sleep because you dare to speak against them.

I agree with you 100%

Is laser eye surgery worth the risk if it means I can fly?


I want to be a pilot in the air force more than anything. I heard that they allow laser eye surgery in some situations. My vision is 20/60 correctable to 20/10. If I should be so lucky as to get the laser eye surgery worth it? I don't want to ruin my life with a mistake..but I don't want live my life with regret either...

I'm no doctor, but as a retired WSO in the USAF, I CAN tell you that eye surgery was actually encouraged among aircrews. There's two types: LASIK, and "PRK". Of the two PRK is more expensive, generally, but provides better results, and was the approved technique. I understand, now though, that LASIK is also acceptable.
Before you spend the money on an initial exam, and possibly surgery though, I would ensure you can pass the other requirements for an Initial Class I Phyiscal:
No astigmatism, and good/excellent depth perception
No significant loss of hearing
No history of asthma, heart conditions or high/low blood pressure
Haven't been unconscious for more than 5-6 minutes since the age of 12. (Being under for surgery is OK.)
Have a sitting height of =< 48". Don't want to leave your knees behind if you have to eject some day.
Not diabetic. History of diabetes in your family's OK, as long as you aren't tested positive.
Not tested positive for HIV.
Not excessively over/underweight for your height, AND at least 5'4" for males, 5' for females (though this can be waivered.
If you're pretty much otherwise good to go, and this is what you really want to do, then maybe you should consider an initial exam. Not everyone has vision that can be laser-corrected.

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