Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Where's a safe place to receive LASIK surgery in San Francisco?

lasik eye surgery at 60
 on Lifebooker Loot NYC | LASIK Eye Surgery
lasik eye surgery at 60 image


I live in San Francisco and am thinking of having LASIK eye surgery. I would love if local veterans of the procedure could share their stories with me - successful or not.

I had mine done in Santa Rosa, CA, which is about 60 miles north of SF. The facility is called Laservue, and the doctor in SR also rotates to a center in SF. I had a great experience.

I was about 20/250 before Lasik surgery last year. The procedure was painless, probably due to the Valium they gave me. The ride home (as a passenger, of course) was fairly uncomfortable, mainly due to light sensitivity. The doctor gave me dark goggles, but the light was still too bright. I was in some pain once I got home (maybe 3 hours post procedure), but I had some left over Vicodin, and took two doses of that. The Vicodin took the edge off. Slept fine that night. Woke up the next morning, and I COULD SEE FINE! Hallelujah! I was jazzed up about that. I drove myself to my one day check up (an 2 hour round trip) with no problems. For that check up, I was seeing at 20/25, less than 24 hours after the surgery. I went to work that afternoon (doing ultrasound which really requires you to use your eyes). For my one week check up, I was seeing between 20/20 and 20/15. Other than the touch of pain I had post procedure, before I went to bed for the night, I had no other problems. I would do it again in a heartbeat!

Just one other thing....I went to a doctor who used computerized, lazer equipment. No knives were involved. But, it cost me a pretty penny. I paid $5500 for both eyes, but I was not comfortable going to a doctor that advertized in the newpaper for $500 per eye. Sometimes you get what you pay for! Good luck to you!

Has lasik eye surgery worked for you or would you recommend it?


I'm thinking of getting it when I turn 21 but I'm not sure. What do you think of it? Does it work? I know there are a lot of websites with this info but I want your opinion. Also what are some alternatives for paying for it since most insurance companies don't offer it?

I'm one of the 3% who aren't happy with it.

In my case, I think they cut a divit across the surface which can't be corrected (though I haven't checked in the last few years). This means that my eye sight is UNCORRECTABLE at around 20/60. Certainly a hell of a lot better than it was, but still not crisp. I miss having crisp vision (even if it did take glasses).

If I were you, I don't think I would use me as a huge reason not to do it:

1: I did it very early on when it was "bleeding edge" technology. In particular, they didn't have Wavefront technology for really clearly mapping the eye before they operate.

2: I had a horrible prescription to start with. I think now-a-days, they don't even offer Lasik as an option to people whose prescription is as bad as mine.

Never-the-less, it is a surgical procedure and surgical procedures do have risks. I think most of the "3 percenters" complain about poor night vision (the so called "rainy windshield" effect), but some have actually completely lost the vision in one or even both eyes.

But 97% are thrilled with it. Those are pretty good odds!

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Title Post: Where's a safe place to receive LASIK surgery in San Francisco?
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