Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Do recruiters talk about bad employees to other temp agencies?

Q. I worked for a temp agency a few years back, and had a really bad experience which led to me leaving the assignment early and telling the recruiter off. I never used that agency as a reference, yet ever since that occurrence I've had trouble getting jobs with other temp agencies. Is it possible these people talk about bad employees on linkedin and facebook?

A. Most girls who have their tongue pierced turn out okay. But for some, they have bad luck, and what they thought was something so insignificant escalates in front of their tearful, helpless eyes as an uncontrollable monster. I know a girl who just started college and had it all, looks, nice voice, etc. Now she sounds like a retard and will for life. She had to have part of her tongue removed due to a "dead nerve". She has to force food down her throat to eat (sexy) and carries a rag in her hand because of how much she drools. This is 3 months after removing the jewelry . She regrets getting her tongue pierced, and angry at why she was one of the "unlucky" ones. So yah, I guess most people blame luck when something bad happens.

You could work as a tongue piercer? Best to get it done first but


Most times everything goes ok. You will swell and bleed a little, but you will be able to speak normally after a few weeks and change the barbell after about a week.


It IS possible, and THERE HAVE BEEN CASES of the following happening:

Nicking the vein: If this happens during piercing, or shortly afterwards, it can be fatal as the vein is a major one and you could bleed to death.

Nicking a nerve: If this happens during piercing, or shortly afterwards, it can cause complete or partial loss of sensation in the tongue, which could be permanent even with the jewellery removed. Less likely is even worse, it could cause partial or complete paralysis of the tongue, which would mean misery and discomfort for the rest of your life, being unable to speak or eat properly.

Blood poisoning: if this happens during piercing, or shortly afterwards, it could lead to flesh eating disease which would necessitate the removal of the areas infected, i.e. your tongue (at least) at potentially lips and part of throat. Alternatively, the infection could get into the blood stream and cause endocarditis, an inflamation of the heart valve, which would require open heart surgery and a very unattractive scar down your chest for life, along with blood thinning medication for the rest of your life.

Brain abscess: Just as infections can travel downwards, a piercing in your tongue makes them easy to travel upwards. There have been a least two documented cases of brain absecces requiring surgery. One girl had to have part of her skull permanently removed and a metal plate in its place.

Suicide Syndrome: A syndrome where you can be in agony every few minutes for up to 30 seconds, all the time. One girl suffered this because of a piercing, and was incredibly lucky that the symptoms went after the removed the jewellery. Chances are, she could have been that way for life even with the jewellery removed. This is also related to nerve damage.

If your tongue is not the norm, i.e. wider, fatter than usual, etc, most piercers will still pierce you, just so long as they know it won't kill you. Thing is, though, you will be prone to more problems too. You may never be able to talk properly with the piercing in. If you are more prone to infection, then your tongue piercing will "flare up" now and then, returning you to the healing phase with a bang, and require constant nursing to keep it okay. You will get ill and it will feel so unnatural and when all you want to do is feel better, you'll think how you've done something truly invasive to your natural order, and how you've brought it on yourself.

The ball of the tongue ring resting on the floor of your mouth could permanently damage your salivary glands. This could mean that you could suffer excess saliva in your mouth, making it so your kisses are wet and you spit when you talk. This again, could be permanent, even with the piercing removed.

Finally, I won't bother mentioning damage to teeth, as it's hardly scary enough to qualify for this list, but that's the most common adverse affect.

I think if you aren't scared by any of this, and know that you could cope if one of the bad things happened, and adapt your life, etc, then you should go ahead. But please don't go ahead and do it if you feel you wouldn't be able to cope if one of the bad things happened. That could potential lead you to suicide over a regret you could never come to terms with.

Hope I've been helpful :D

P.S. ALL of the cases I've cited above can be found by googling, and cross-referenced with other sources. Please don't be lazy and comment back saying "bullshit", because they're all very real.

Anyone who has gone under local anesthesia for wisdom teeth extraction?
Q. I have my surgery tomorrow and I am really freaking out about it! I've had major stuff done before at the dentist, but I always get so nervous and feel like my heart is beating like crazy! I would appreciate it if someone can tell me exactly how there experience went? From sitting in the chair, to leaving the office and everything in between? Did the needle hurt? Did they put a tube in your nose? Any questions you may answer are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I meant GENERAL anesthesia!

A. General Anesthesia is really simple. The start an IV, and the next thing you know, your out like a light and in recovery. They won't be using a gas mask because they will need your teeth! :) Anesthesiologist are great at starting IV's so it shouldn't hurt more than a pinch. They couldn't find my veins! They may put an oxygen tube in your nose, this "tube" actually sits just inside your nostrils, not UP your nose. So it's really not uncomfortable. You will wake up in Recovery in the blink of an eye.

What is the best thing for bags under the eyes?
Q. I would look 10 years younger if I didn't have these bags under my eyes.I don't want to know about surgery, just something I can do or buy. Thanks in advance.(have already tried tea bags, didn't work!!!!!

A. These safe, natural treatments really work and can quickly and permanently get rid of them.

This is a response I received from wannabeblue28:
"Hi Mukunda M. I have just been rubbing my face with coconut oil using my fingers and hands and It has made a HUGE difference in my complexion after just one night. ...... My skin looks so much tighter everywhere and i no longer have bags under my eyes! Thank you so much for your post, I have been suffering with acne and under-eye circles since i was young."

She had seen an answer I gave about how vigorous face massaging with natural unadulterated oils had permanently got rid of my acne and also removed my bags/circles. The massages greatly tighten skin under and around the eye area and the bags go away.

Use front of fingers held together and palms.(both hands at same time)
The most helpful ones are:
(1) Do long up and down sweeps close to nose from chin area up to near eyes.
(2) Do another up and back at an angle from chin point to cheek bone.
(3) Do fast up and down massage close to eye from cheek bones at an angle of 45 degrees (on your crows feet).
Do for several minutes daily - will markedly tighten skin in eye area and diminish the circles in the first two or three days.
IMPORTANT: To avoid skin pulling first make facial skin taught by partially opening mouth and pulling lips firmly back against teeth (tightens most of face)

Use any oil. Extra virgin olive oil and extra virgin coconut oil works well for many.
Additionally facial yoga exercises help a great deal. Find on Youtube. Do the "The lion face" and try to hold for 30 seconds. A variation of that is protruding the tongue as if trying to touch tip of nose with tip of tongue.

YOGA MEDITATION is a great help.and is easy to do. It enables you to completely relax and gives you deep, restful sleep. 6 hours of restful sleep is considerably more beneficial than 8 or more hours of non restful sleep.
Additionally facial yoga exercises help a great deal. They also tighten and firm skin and help get rid of circles. Find on Youtube. Do the "The lion face" and try to hold for 30 seconds. repeat throughout the day.

SOURCE(S): 24 years researcher, consultant - safe natural treatments/cures for skin conditions and skin enhancement and anti aging/rejuvenation treatment

What is the best way to clean my dogs ears? Brush her teeth? ?
Q. Jesse's ears are never dirty but she shakes her head and scratches her ear. If I start to rub her ear, she will eventually maneuver me to rubbing the inside of her ear. She leans right into it. (Then I go wash my hands! But she is my baby.) Also, I would like to start brushing her teeth but she doesn't like me messing with them.

A. I like ear rubs myself! You can clean a dog's inner ear flap (but leave the canal alone!) with mineral oil, or preferably plain water with a little hydrogen peroxide mixed in. I wouldn't do it too often, though. Maybe once a month at most, dogs in good health don't get dirty ears, unless something gets stuck in the canal or they get ear mites. If you notice ear mites (it will look like waxy coffee grounds), lightly soak a Q-tip in mineral oil and wipe away the residue (be careful to not put the Q-tip too far down the canal!). The oil will suffocate the bugs and clean at the same time. If symptoms persist, certainly take your dog to the vet for a diagnoses.

Speaking of good health, you don't need to brush a dog's teeth if you're giving him food that his body is designed to process, like fresh muscle and organ meats and fresh, uncooked bones.

Dogs can technically live on an omnivorous diet, but any dog that lives wild, whether it is a feral dog or the dog's cousin, the wolf, will eat meat, fat and bones every chance it gets. A wild dog's diet is comprised of muscle and organ meats, bones, fat, and they will possibly ingest some fibrous vegetable matter if they eat any stomach or intestine contents, which they usually avoid. Aside from munching grass to help them throw up, dogs do NOT eat vegetables, grains or fruits - and most importantly, their digestive system is an extrememly harsh, short one, which breaks down meat, bone and fat beautifully but doesn't break down those fibrous vegetables and grains.

If you want to give your dog the best diet possible, either feed him raw muscle and organ meats with raw bones, or at least get him a dry food that is meat-based (check out Eagle Pack, Blue Buffalo, Diamond, Innova, or any of the other great natural and organic foods out there) and supplement this dry food diet with raw bones and fresh (or cooked, if you must) meat and eggs. A healthy dog will have no "doggy" breath, very minimal fecal matter (because his body is using what he's eating), healthy skin, a shiny coat and eyes, and will not come down with diet-related diseases down the road. Food truly is the best medicine, and is far easier on your wallet than expensive medicines, tonics and surgeries that you'll buy from your vet to fix the problem after it's too far gone.

Take a peek at this great website for unbiased dog food information: http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/

Best of luck to you and your dog!

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