Friday, December 7, 2012

What age is a good age for corrective eye surgery?

Q. I really want corrective eye surgery(glasses my whole life, contacts never worked, etc.), but I'm afraid my eyes are still growing. (I guess a side question would be, when do eyes stop growing?) What age is a good age for corrective eye surgery? I've heard various things, like right after puberty to age 24. Please give a straight, informed answer, not the first result in a search. I really appreciate any help! Thank you!

A. One should typically wait til about mid-20's. Most MD's look for at least 3 yrs of stable vision. The eyes will continue to grow til usually mid to late teens. At infancy, the length of the eyeball is between 17-18 mm and the average adult eyeball is ~24 mm in length. Puberty is typically when the prescription of the eyes change the most. The person has a big growth spurt and grows many inches, the eye lengthens (grows too, but not by big #'s) and you become more nearsighted. Everyone's different, but most people stabilize in mid-20's. Thus, LASIK is best then.

Heads up though, you'll still need reading glasses in your 40's! Everyone does!

What is the age to get laser eye surgery?
Q. I'm wonder what age you can get laser eye surgery, i am hoping to do it right away.

A. LASIK is a laser based vision correction procedure where your vision can be corrected to such a degree that you no longer need corrective lenses. And the amazing part is that it all happens in just a few minutes!

But LASIK eye surgery isn't right for everyone. You need to meet certain requirements before submitting to LASIK eye surgery.

Here are a few of the guidelines used in determining if LASIK is a good choice for you -

* You should be over 18 years of age.
* Your corneas must be healthy.
* You should not have had a significant change in your lens prescription in the last 12 months.
* Women should not be pregnant or breastfeeding.
* You should be in good general health.

LASIK eye surgery can perform miracles - it can give you relief from wearing corrective lenses. It can cure nearsightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness. The procedure is quick and painless, offering almost immediate results. And due to advances in technology and the wide demand for this type of service, LASIK is quite economical.

LASIK eye surgery is now so common that millions of people have decided that it was time to abandon their corrective lenses, once and for all. There are so many LASIK clinics that you're likely to find one close by, no matter where you live.

All The Best For Your LASIK Eye Surgery...

What is the minimum age to get Lasik or laser eye surgery?
Q. I live in North Carolina, I am thirteen years old and I want Lasik or laser eye correction. What is the minimum age? Can I get it younger with a parent signature?

A. Hi Blake - Patients can typically have the procedure starting at the age of 18 or 19. By this age the eyes have slowed or stopped changing so laser eye surgery can be performed safely. If you are 17 years old you could still be a candidate, but you�ll need parental consent. It�s important to remember that everyone is different, so you�ll still need to find out if you are a candidate. The best way to find out if you�re a candidate is to undergo a preoperative consultation. LASIK MD offers free consultations, so try and find a laser vision correction centre near you that offers this service for free.

Hope that helps,
LASIK MD � Canada�s laser vision correction provider

How old should you be before you have eye surgery (to correct your eye sight)?
Q. I am near-sighted and am 13.5 years old. How old should I be before getting corrective eye surgery?

A. Laser vision correction, such as lasik, should not be done until your eyes have stabilized- in other words not until you are no longer changing the power of your glasses or contact lenses. This rarely occurs before age 18 years, and may not be until your 20's. For more information about laser vision correction contact

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