Friday, December 7, 2012

What is the cost of double eye lid surgery?

Q. How much would double eye lid surgery be for both upper eye lids? I plan to do it in Tennessee. Also how soon after can I work/drive? I'm 19 in case that affects healing time. Thanks :)

A. It is illegal for physicians to fix prices, so you have to ask the office that will be doing the surgery. Most states will not allow surgery to be done on someone without their parents consent if they are under 21. The physicians office doing the surgery will give you instructions on how long you will have to wait to work or to drive. Depending on exactly what is done that could be a hour, a day, or three months. These are not standardized things. Ask the doctor who is responsible for the work. Do not take the advice of anyone else.

What is the cost of double eye lid surgery?
Q. How much would double eye lid surgery be for both upper eye lids? I plan to do it in Tennessee. Also how soon after can I work/drive? I'm 19 in case that affects healing time. Thanks :)

A. You need to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon and discuss this with him/her. Cost depends on the procedure, and I'm not sure why a 19-year-old would be getting eyelid surgery on both eyes. That's usually something done on older people.

How come my right eye is a different shape from my left eye?
Q. So my left eye i have double eye lids, but y right eye is single eye lid. I have my fathers right eye and my mothers left, why is this?? it looks ugly as hel, i hate my fathers eye!! how do i fix it?

A. how you were born get plastic surgery if you want a fix

How can I help swelling from eye lid surgery go down faster?
Q. I had a ptosis surgery on my eye lid and it's been 6 weeks since the surgery. The swelling was supposed to go down two weeks after the surgery, but obviously it didn't. I have a big lump over my eye and it looks really creepy! My doctor said that ice really doesn't help later then 48 hours after surgery. I was wondering if there was any other technique anyone had? I just started school so that's why I want it to go away! Thanx!

A. If the swelling has lingered three times as long as it was supposed to, I'd think there might be something going on. Have you called and asked your doctor? That's my best advice. Maybe he/she can check you out and make sure everything is healing okay and offer suggestions to help with the swelling.

Good luck!

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