Thursday, December 6, 2012

How effective is Valium for putting one to sleep?

Q. It's a 5mg pill. I'm a 120lb female. I normally take clonazepam. But I'm all out, and my bf has an extra Valium left over from after an eye surgery a few months ago.

I need it to sleep. Will it actually make me drowsy, like the clonazepam, or is it just calming?

A. Valium is very good for anxiety and will relax you much the same as xanax. Yes it will help you sleep if you take one about half hour before going to bed. Personally I take a xanax several times a week with a couple shots of peach schnapps. The alcohol enhances the effects of the xanax and would do the same with valium but you're not supposed to drink alcohol with these drugs. One night I drank 7 screwdrivers with a valium and got thrown out of a bar. Messed me up. >:)

How many illegal drugs are prescribed as medicine by doctors?
Q. As far as I know, only one. Which of course is cannabis, but I was wondering if there are any others.

A. Peter hit most of the highlights. I'll add that cocaine is used by opthamologists as an anesthetic agent during eye surgery.

Anything that is a "scheduled drug," which means that it is not just prescription, but actually closely regulated by the DEA (drug enforcement administration), is illegal if used without a prescription. It's also illegal to prescribe it for recreational use or sale. This covers a wide variety of medications including morphine, hydromorphone, fentanyl, oxycodone, propoxyfene, meperidine, Ritalin, amphetamines, benzodiazipenes (valium, ativan, xanax etc), and barbiturates.

How can Cocaine be prescribed with a written prescription from a licensed physician or nurse practitioner?
Q. Schedule I - LSD, MDMA, Marihuana, DMT, Peyote, Psilocybin, Mescaline, Heroin.
The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
**Schedule I drugs may not be prescribed.

Schedule II - Cocaine, Hydrocodone, Morphine, Opium, Amphetamine, PCP
The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions.
**Schedule II drugs may be prescribed with a written prescription from a licensed physician or nurse practitioner.

Schedule III Examples : Anabolic Steroids, Marinol (Synthetic THC), Ketamine, LSA
Schedule III drugs may be prescribed by a licensed physician or nurse practitioner.

Schedule IV - Examples : Valium, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, Klonopin
Schedule IV drugs may be prescribed by a licensed physician or nurse practitioner.

Schedule V -
How does one go about obtaining a Script for Cocaine? What would the case be that one must plea? And why is Cocaine (shII) possession punishment heaver then Marijuana(shI) possession ?

A. You can not get a prescription for it.
cocaine is formally used in medicine as a topical anesthetic, specifically in eye, nose and throat surgery

Why are people hating marijuana legalization?
Q. In my state of Massachusetts, Medical Marijuana was voted to be legal as a pain medication for the terminally ill.
But the next day, a radio talk show was on and the host talked about people getting high, rather that people using marijuana being used as a pain medication.

A. The propaganda has them brain washed.

Yes, medical mariuana does produce a high, but not nearly as much as morphine or oxy.

Yes, Places like Israel and even the US, have "highless" marijuana pills. In the US, it is called marinol. It is a synthetic off shoot of marijuana, so it is not even synthetic delta 9 thc, it is something else. It DOES produce a high, its just a little bit different. And it costs $1500 a month, which is the largest reason why people reject it.

Why does no one ask these questions of oxycontin? There is so much of it on the street it has been nicknamed hillbilly heroine, and is FAR more dangerous when (not if) it is abused. Or morphine? Or the medical grade speed we give to children called ritalin and adderall, most of which are selling it to their classmates at school??

Yeah, there are people out there taking medical marijuana just to get high. But I am far more worried about all the other legal and socially acceptable "medications" people are using just to get high than I every will be about marijuana.

I do not view it is an all or nothing situation. But marijuana can give a balance of pain relief while still maintaining coherence, where as morphine left me in a pleasure coma all day long, unable to talk to my friends or family. So, maybe in some respects it is an all or nothing situation, but not in the terms that poster was speaking of. I either have it all - pain relief and the ability to maintain some thing that looks like a life, or I take morphine and oxycontin and end up chemically addicted and "living" my life in a pleasure coma all day long....

I would respect those kinds of opinions if they also said the same things about xanax, vicodin, ativan, morphine, oxycontin and the plethora of other narcotics doctors hand out. But they dont. Why is it ok to get a high from a chemically addictive and patented medication that is making pharmaceutical companies rich, but not ok to get a high from a medication that is not chemically addictive, but also puts very little money into the pockets of pharmaceutical companies????

Oh, wait, I forgot, that argument means you have to actually admit to yourself that when you broke your leg or had your surgery or whatever it was you did, the vicodin the doctor gave you did in fact, make you high, even just a little bit. You have to actually admit to yourself that morphine does not kill pain, it only makes you high enough that you do not care that you are in pain - and there is PLENTY of scientific evidence out there to back that claim up, so its not just me. You would actually have to admit that your children are trading around their prescriptions at school instead of turning a blind eye claiming that teachers would never allow that to happen or its only the "bad" kids who do that.

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