Sunday, June 30, 2013

I need some health questions answered!?

laser eye surgery 3d
 on ... nuovi laser che curano e misurano in 3D | Solleviamoci's Weblog
laser eye surgery 3d image


Can you please answer as many of these questions as you know keeping it truthful and scientific please. THANKS!

* Why do some people need glasses? How do glasses improve vision?
* What causes nearsightedness? How is it different from farsightedness?
* How does corrective laser eye surgery work? How does it improve vision? What risks are involved?
* Why are some people colorblind?
* How do optical illusions work? How do they âfoolâ your brain?
* How do red-and-blue â3D glassesâ work?
* How do sounds reach the brain?
* Why do some sounds have a low pitch, while others have a high pitch?
* Why are animals such as dogs able to hear sounds that humans cannot?
* When someone is âhard of hearing,â what are some possible causes?
* Why do certain smells instantly evoke specific memories or feelings?
* How are the senses of smell and taste related?
* If you hold your nose while eating, how are tastes affected? Why?
* How do taste buds work? How does the tongue recognize different tastes, such as the bitterness of a lemon or the sweetness of sugar?
* Which taste cannot be detected by the tip of your tongue: bitter, sour, salty, or sweet? Why?
* How does your hand tell the difference between hot and cold surfaces?
* How do blind people use braille to read?

Refractive errors occur when the eye is not able to correctly focus images on the retina. The result is blurred vision, which is sometimes so severe that it creates functional blindness for affected individuals.

The three most common refractive errors are:

Myopia (nearsightedness) â this is difficulty in seeing distant objects clearly.
Hyperopia also known as Hypermetropia (farsightedness) â this is difficulty is seeing close objects clearly.
Astigmatism - This is distorted vision resulting from an irregularly curved cornea.

For laser surgery or lasik see this site

for colour blindness see this site

optical illusions

How 3d glass works

how sound reaches the brain

low and high pitch of sound

Sounds that humans cant hear and why

Hearing loss
Types of Hearing Loss
There are a few different types of hearing loss: conductive, sensory, mixed (conductive and sensory combined), and neural.

Conductive (say: kun-duk-tiv) hearing loss. This happens when there is a problem with a part of the outer or middle ear. Most kids with conductive hearing loss have a mild hearing loss and it is usually temporary because in most cases medical treatment can help.
Sensory (say: sen-suh-ree) hearing loss. This happens when the cochlea is not working correctly because the tiny hair cells are damaged or destroyed. Depending on the loss, a kid may be able to hear most sounds (although they would be muffled); may be able to hear in quiet but not in noise; only some sounds; or no sounds at all. Sensory hearing impairment is almost always permanent and a kid's ability to talk normally may be affected.
Neural (say: nur-ul) hearing loss. This happens when there is a problem with the connection from the cochlea to the brain. Neural means related to nerve, so neural hearing loss means the nerve that carries the messages from the cochlea to the brain is damaged.
What Causes Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss can happen because a person was born with parts of the ear that didn't form correctly and don't work well. Other problems can happen later because of an injury or illness, including:

middle ear fluid
serious infections, such as meningitis
head injury
listening to very loud music, especially through headphones
repeated exposure to loud sounds, such as machinery
see this site

Nostalgic smells -

Relation of smell and taste

How taste buds work

Tip of tongue and taste recognition - this website says that its a myth that there are taste zones onthe tongue

How we sense hot and cold......

Braille how it works

Reading and Writing Braille
People read Braille by moving their fingertips from left to right across the lines of dots. When writing Braille, people move from right to left instead, physically pressing the dots into the paper so that they show up on the other side. There are many methods used to write Braille, including: Physically pressing each dot into paper using a handheld stylus to make the impressions and a slate to hold the paper
A Braille writer, which has one key for each of the six dots in a Braille cell A full QWERTY keyboard attached to a Braille printer
Learning to use these tools and to read Braille is a lot like learning to read and write print. Printed letters and Braille cells are both symbols for pieces of language. The first step is to learn each of these symbols and what they mean. The next is to learn to recognize the patterns that the letters form. This eventually leads to the comprehension of words, sentences and paragraphs.

Hope that will answer all your queries . please post more questions if some thing is left out .

I'm legally blind in my left eye - is there anything I can do?

Amy Iacobu

I'm 16 years old, and I have barely been able to see in my left eye since i've been born.
I've never cared all that much about my eye sight, but I tend to have a slight "lazy eye" ( really, when I get tired ) because of it.
I was in Disney, Orlando yesterday for a family reunion. We went as a group to an "amazing mickey 3-D movie". Both sides of the 3-D glasses were black. Even so, I can't see the 3-D. I've never been able to. According to my family it was the best 3-D experience they've seen, and I was pretty dissapointed that i'm unable to experience it.
Jealous, maybe. I'll admit it. Like i've been told , i'm blessed because it could be a lot worse ,

But i'm wondering - Could it be better? Can I get an eye surgery to fix it?
( I've been told by surgeons - i've had two eye surgeries - that lasic/laser eye surgery won't fix it )


It really depends what type of strabismus you have in that left eye and it depends on a TON of other factors. And as you have discovered, strabismic folks cannot enjoy 3D movies, unfortunately.

The good news is that there is NO age limit for vision therapy! While yes, the best results occur when you are very young, but studies have shown time and time again that teenagers and adults can get benefit from vision therapy. Whether or not you'll ever be able to see 3D, no one can tell you that.

However, if you are serious about checking this out, I would recommend you find an optometrist (NOT an ophthalmologist .... they only do surgery) in your area that specialized in strabismus and/or binocular vision. I don't know where you are located, but at my optometry school I attend we have an awesome vision therapy department and an awesome staff. Having a complete workup to know what type of strabismus you have, how much vision can be improved in that left eye, and lots of other factors we need to know, can maybe give you a better idea if it is possible for your eye to improve.

Surgery *maybe* will help, but you need to remember that your brain plays a huge role in what you see. Sure, you can have surgery to make your eyes straight, but if your brain doesn't know what to do with the image in your left eye, the surgery is useless to you. So we have to re-train your brain first to "see" with that left eye, and that's what the vision therapy does.

So I can't tell you if your vision in the left eye could be better, or if you are capable of seeing 3D. You'd need to have a full workup like I described above. But it's worth checking it out!

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Where is there a good place to go to for laser eye surgery?

laser eye surgery 395
 on We also want to use a voice over to describe what happens throughout a ...
laser eye surgery 395 image


I am considering getting laser eye surgery because I am extremely near-sighted having a 7 or greater strength in both eyes with one eye needing a cylinder strength. However, I am a little nervous about the place I am going to. They offered a place to get drinks while I was there and when the procedure is done, both eyes are done on the same day. Now, I am thinking, "They must be having trouble attracting business if they are offering drinks to people", and, isn't it common procedure to do only one eye at a time when doing laser eye surgery in case something goes wrong? Would anyone know of a good, reputable place in Massachusetts close to the suburbs of Boston to go to for laser eye surgery?
I was also reading one other question on Yahoo questions answers and someone mentioned there is also a procedure using soundwaves to correct eye problems. Does anyone know anything about this procedure?

I had Lasik eye surgery 2years ago and I have never regretted it. I had both eyes done at the same time and had no problems whatsoever and my eyesight is still perfect.

I am in the UK so dont know about companies in the US but make sure you shop around. All companies have promotions (mine said £395 per eye but once I had consultations and tests I finally paid £1095 per eye) - so dont be tempted by offers or free things your eyes are very important.

All I can recommend is checking out customer feedback from companies and just go to a few consultations to suss them all out. Also dont settle for the cheapest - this is not always the best for you.

Good luck - it is the best thing I have ever done and you will not regret it

Astigmatism (rugby ball shaped eyes)?


Astigmatism (rugby ball shaped eyes) why is laser eye surgery quoted more expensive into the thousands if they are that shape. when quotes on adverts are 395 per eye and if a career requires you too have 20/20 vision and i have that done will they still accept that since i don't want too pay all that money too be refused that career because laser surgery does not count.

I would check with your chosen career route first - some will accept laser surgery and some won't. Also, some places will accept 20/20 vision WITH glasses or contact lenses worn.
I worked somewhere that advertised laser at these prices so i think i know where you are talking about lol...
This price IS true, but it is only for the lowest prescriptions, and for no astigmatism, and with the cheapest type of laser used.
The price increases the higher your prescription is, if you have astigmatism, and if you decide to go for the better type of laser/procedures.
These procedures are better, but they unfortunately are more expensive, and most of the people i seen here did actually end up paying roughly £2000-3000. When i got a quote for a family member, it was £3300 for their eyes, with the best procedure, and they have no astigmatism.

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Can a 16 year old get lasik eye surgery?

lasik eye surgery 16 year old
 on Lasik Laser Surgery In Houston | Lasik Laser
lasik eye surgery 16 year old image


I wanted to get lasik eye surgery when I turn 16 because I keep losing my contacts or am in to much of a rush to put them in.
I plan on paying for it myself.

But i'm unsure if I would be able to get it.

I am basically fully grown physically

If so would my mom need to sign a waiver?

This is what happened to me. When I was 24 I noticed I was seeing spots in my right eye. After a month or so, the spots turned into complete blackness. I couldn'tsee anything in the inner corner of my right eye. I went to a doctor and he told me that I had a detaching retina. I already lost 30% of my vision and would continue to lose it without immediate surgery. I asked him how this happened, and he said that b/c I am nearsighted, I ran a greater risk of it happening. When you have bad vision, something in your eye has to work harder- and sometimes forgets to do its job. The point of this is at that point, I asked him that if I had gotten lasik beforehand (which I had wanted to do), would I have prevented this problem? Because then I wouldn't have been nearsighted. This is what killed me- he said that it would have INCREASED my chances of that happening! Can you imagine plopping down $6k or so for that surgery only for that to happen and lose your vision?

Don't get it done. You are too young and even though lasik has been around for a while, you hold the advantage of seeing what developments and breakthroughs are still to come. I know it sucks- I had glasses at age 9 and contacts from 13 to present (26). No matter what, it's better than having no vision at all!

how old are you supposed to be to have lasik eye surgery?

Amy (edwar

I am 15 yrs. Im turning 16 this september and i want lasik eye surgery.But i don't know if theres a age for it.

I had Lasik eye surgery done after wearing glasses for 16 years. It has been perfect for me. I have had no changes. Of course, as I age, I expect changes. I also co-manage refractive surgery and have seen hundreds of successful patients. It doesn't hurt, generally. There is a bit of pressure, but no real pain if you have LASIK. The PRK version (where no flap is cut) is a little more uncomfortable for the first few days following the procedure. I've seen several people who said they were in some pain, but healed just fine. I used to wear both glasses and contact lenses. I had LASIK done and it's the best decision I've ever made. I can see clearly, no squinting, no driving with glasses anymore. I can read road signs, see the individual leaves in the trees (they're not just a blurry mess anymore). It's also nice to be able to see what time it is when I wake up. The procedure is painless (although a bit uncomfortable) but takes less than 15 minutes. Highly recommended.

If you need help finding a reputed surgeon in India u can check out the ink below:
You can schedule a free appointment there and they'll answer all your questions and see if you qualify as a good candidate or not

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Laser eye surgery cost?

laser eye surgery 395
 on Shandon Street Private Hospital - Dr Eamon Hynes in Cork, Ireland
laser eye surgery 395 image

Drew P

Im 19, an my eyes are -3.5. Idk if that's really bad or not but I know things are pretty blurry from afar an clear up close. I was wanting to know a price range, because I'm tired of having to deal with contacts an buying them. When I take them off I feel so dang helpless (it sucks). Does surgery really fix your eyes all they way or can they go bad again.

Thanks for any help

Ive seen them, for £395 per eye in england.
Not sure if your american or english.
sorry if your american.


best laser eye surgery?

Jeff B


I'd reccomend that you have a look at the following website: It contains information on all the laser eye surgery providers in the UK as well as plenty of information from and for people like yourself who are about to engage in treatment.

If you do one thing, research your treatment very well. This is not a very well regulated industry nor is this 'like going to the dentist'. Once you have treatment done, you cannot reverse it.

Be weary of promises to improve your vision (this is not possible with laser) with various fancy sounding techniques (with the added increase in cost). Often you are quoted a particular price and treatment only for the surgeon to suggest a better/more suitable (and much more expensive) form of treatment 5 minutes before you are due to have laser.

You certainly want to have treatment done with the people/company that you trust the most. The above website has good information, read some of the forums about surgeons / companies etc and perhaps ask people on the site for further information about the particular individuals that are to carry out your treatment.

As with most things, if you want something done cheap along with average service and quality you go to ASDA or TESCO etc. Likewise with Laser eye surgery you get the 'conveyor belt, take a number' treatment at Optimax, Optical Express and Ultralase. Find yourself a smaller, independent specialist - they are often surprisingly cheaper besides being a whole heap better. Lasik-eyes will point you in the right direction. (£395 per eye - forget it. I've worked in these places, it doesn't exist. Known as the 'Bait and Switch' Tactic)

Hope this helps

PS: You are welcome to email me for more detailed information about various facets of the process / industry as you wish.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

For the medical community: Is there any device to measure the actual thickness of the cornea?

lasik eye surgery $500
 on ... Deals - $250 for $500 towards LASIK Eye Surgery at Joffe MediCenter
lasik eye surgery $500 image

pew pew ma

And if there isn't, then what formula does laser eye surgery use to determine amount of cornea to take off?

Please cite sources or your expertise.

There are several ways to measure corneal thickness: the process itself is called "pachymetry." The most common instrument is a pachymeter, which measures corneal thickness through brief contact with the eye, as seen here: It takes only seconds and is painless. Non-contact intruments exist as well (see last link below).

Lasik can be unsafe for people with thin corneas, not necessarily because of the amount "taken off" (it's actually "reshaped") but because the flap that is cut during Lasik surgry must be thick enough that the flap won't detach.

The formula used to determine whether a person is a candidate for one of these surgeries boils down to simple addition/subtraction of te patient's corneal thickness, the required size of the flap, and the amount of cornea to be removed to obtain the necessary level of correction (the worse your eyes are, the more cells will need to be removed to correct them).

Per the first link below, the size of the flap should be at least 160* microns and the amount of cornea remaining after surgery should be 250* microns. So, for example, if a patient's corneal thickness was 500 (which is thin -- normal corneas are about 500 microns), no more than 90 microns could be removed safely. To put it another way: if MORE than 90 microns would need to be removed to correct that patient's vision, s/he would likely be deemed ineligible for Lasik surgery. (There are other types of laser vision correction that don't require creating a flap; this person could be eligible for PRK, Lasek, or Lasik with IntraLase)

*Some doctors are more conservative than others about the thickness of the flap and the amount of cornea to remain intact after surgery.

Recommended place to have lasik surgery in phoenix arizona?

charlie br

Have been thing about having lasik but not sure who or what place to have it done. Will be in phoenix arizona anyone have any recommend or experiences? What's regular lasik and custom does it really make a difference?

I am in CA, so I cannot answer your specific question regarding surgeons in AZ, but I have some advice....

My advice would be to talk to to your family, friends and co-workers. Then ask your family, friends and co-workers to talk to their family, friends and get the idea. I found my surgeon by word of mouth. I asked everyone I know if they had Lasiks (or knew anyone who had Lasiks), and what doctor they went to. Almost everyone I talked to in my area went to the surgeon I ended up going to, and everyone was perfectly satisfied. I went into the procedure very confident!

Just one other thing....I went to a doctor who used computerized, laser equipment. No knives were involved. But, it cost me a pretty penny. I paid $5500 for both eyes, but I was not comfortable going to a doctor that advertised in the newspaper for $500 per eye. Sometimes you get what you pay for! Good luck to you!

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What can I do with my VERY bad eyesight?

lasik eye surgery 16 year old
 on LASIK in 11-years old girl with femtosecond laser VisuMax in NeoVize ...
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I have very bad eyes and I was wondering that I can do to improve my eyesight or stop it from getting worse. My right eye is -19 and my left eye is -17. Am only 16 years old and turning 17 in 2 months. Last year, my retina detached on my right eye and I had to get surgery. Right now, it seems that everything is becoming stable. I wanted to know what my options are and any risks I should not take. Can I go blind? Can LASIK make anything better? I am really worried and I don't know what to do.

Get some specs they work gradually

Can Lasik, or laser eye surgery help correct amblyopia?


I am 16 years old, and i have amblyopia in my right eye. I have never seen an eye doctor for it until about 9 months ago. My eye has not turned into a lazy eye, and i have no signs of it getting lazy yet and turning in or out. My eye doctor prescribed my with glasses, and she said, " Wearing glasses will help correct my vision as close to 20/20 or right on 20/20 vision, and this will help prevent my eye from becoming lazy."

From what i have read, you can not treat amblyopia, but my eye doctor says that wearing glasses will help prevent it from turning.

What i would like to know is...
Can i get lasik, or laser eye surgery to correct my sight in my amblyopic eye so my eyesight is the same as wearing glasses?
If i can get laser eye surgery to correct my vision to be 20/20 in my eye, will that prevent my eye from turining into a lazy eye?
Also, what is the lowest age i can get laser eye surgery at if possible?

Wouldn't you think that if my doctor said if i wear my glasses that my eye wont turn lazy. Then if i get laser eye surgery to correct my vision, then wouldn't my eye never turn lazy because it would be the same as wearing glasses?

Please help by answering my questions and maybe even including even a little more information. All answers are highly appreciated!!

P.S. I am really worried if my amblyopia would prevent me from joining the marines or army and being something like infantry. Also i am worried about my eye turnng in or out and being lazy..

Thank you!!

After the age of 9 years, you would not acquire amblyopia even if you dont wear glasses or get LASIK done. It is very clear. The earliest you can get LASIK is after 18 yrs age, and only after the power has stabilised and not growing. Wearing glasses or contacts is important to see the world better, and nothing else. Thanks, M.S.Ravindra

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What will lasik eye surgery cost?

lasik eye surgery for military
 on laser-eye-surgery-military-army.jpg
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Want to get lasik eye surgery after basic and was wondering how much it costs normally. Do they offer military discounts or any other discounts? Will they usually do a payment plan?

Anywhere from $1000 per eye to about $4000 per. I paid a little over $2000 per eye last year to have it done by the same physician who performs on the Dallas Cowboys. Good results so far.

Why does laser/ lasik eye surgery restrict the things you can do in the military?


I was thinking about joining the army or even the marines. Lately I've read a few things to make sure laser eye surgery is safe. I'm 15 right now but I really would like to join the military when I'm older. So far night vision problems can occur for a few months but that's apparently rare. Other then reasons like that why does the surgery restrict what you can do in the military?

Have you ever driven at night in the rain, and seen how oncoming head lights are flared ?

Well one of the side effects of lasik eye surgery

is for some people, lights at night, can flare like that, limiting your vision.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

is there any way you can get rid of your contacts and glasses and still see with out laser eye surgrey?

laser eye surgery 3d
 on ... nuovi laser che curano e misurano in 3D | Solleviamoci's Weblog
laser eye surgery 3d image

Ashley R

i have been wearing glasses and contact for a long timen i whould do anything to get rid or them

I tried a vision improvement program I found on the internet. It produced results but they were not entirely the results I wanted. I am mildly farsighted with a moderate degree of astigmatism in my left eye. I wanted to try and correct the astigmatism. I did the exercises for months and corrected my right eye, lowered the spherical portion of the prescription in my left eye, and the astigmatism got a little worse.

The program also said it would help with vision in low light situations, light sensitivity and a variety of other things which for the most part it did. I suprised my mother and grandmother that I could easily read the text in a book with only a dim nightlight on without glasses or contacts. It takes lots of dedication to completing the exercises every day, but I feel it was worth it. As I see it you are no worse off for trying than you were before.

I still have issues with distance vision in my left eye and wear one contact lens. My glasses also only have a prescription in one eye.

I also want to add that I had strabismus surgery as a child so the muscles in my eyes still do not function correctly. I was not able to do the exercises in the program that required stereoscopic (3D) vision very well and that may have contributed to not acheiving the full desired results.

Good Luck!

I need some health questions answered!?


Can you please answer as many of these questions as you know keeping it truthful and scientific please. THANKS!

* Why do some people need glasses? How do glasses improve vision?
* What causes nearsightedness? How is it different from farsightedness?
* How does corrective laser eye surgery work? How does it improve vision? What risks are involved?
* Why are some people colorblind?
* How do optical illusions work? How do they âfoolâ your brain?
* How do red-and-blue â3D glassesâ work?
* How do sounds reach the brain?
* Why do some sounds have a low pitch, while others have a high pitch?
* Why are animals such as dogs able to hear sounds that humans cannot?
* When someone is âhard of hearing,â what are some possible causes?
* Why do certain smells instantly evoke specific memories or feelings?
* How are the senses of smell and taste related?
* If you hold your nose while eating, how are tastes affected? Why?
* How do taste buds work? How does the tongue recognize different tastes, such as the bitterness of a lemon or the sweetness of sugar?
* Which taste cannot be detected by the tip of your tongue: bitter, sour, salty, or sweet? Why?
* How does your hand tell the difference between hot and cold surfaces?
* How do blind people use braille to read?

Refractive errors occur when the eye is not able to correctly focus images on the retina. The result is blurred vision, which is sometimes so severe that it creates functional blindness for affected individuals.

The three most common refractive errors are:

Myopia (nearsightedness) â this is difficulty in seeing distant objects clearly.
Hyperopia also known as Hypermetropia (farsightedness) â this is difficulty is seeing close objects clearly.
Astigmatism - This is distorted vision resulting from an irregularly curved cornea.

For laser surgery or lasik see this site

for colour blindness see this site

optical illusions

How 3d glass works

how sound reaches the brain

low and high pitch of sound

Sounds that humans cant hear and why

Hearing loss
Types of Hearing Loss
There are a few different types of hearing loss: conductive, sensory, mixed (conductive and sensory combined), and neural.

Conductive (say: kun-duk-tiv) hearing loss. This happens when there is a problem with a part of the outer or middle ear. Most kids with conductive hearing loss have a mild hearing loss and it is usually temporary because in most cases medical treatment can help.
Sensory (say: sen-suh-ree) hearing loss. This happens when the cochlea is not working correctly because the tiny hair cells are damaged or destroyed. Depending on the loss, a kid may be able to hear most sounds (although they would be muffled); may be able to hear in quiet but not in noise; only some sounds; or no sounds at all. Sensory hearing impairment is almost always permanent and a kid's ability to talk normally may be affected.
Neural (say: nur-ul) hearing loss. This happens when there is a problem with the connection from the cochlea to the brain. Neural means related to nerve, so neural hearing loss means the nerve that carries the messages from the cochlea to the brain is damaged.
What Causes Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss can happen because a person was born with parts of the ear that didn't form correctly and don't work well. Other problems can happen later because of an injury or illness, including:

middle ear fluid
serious infections, such as meningitis
head injury
listening to very loud music, especially through headphones
repeated exposure to loud sounds, such as machinery
see this site

Nostalgic smells -

Relation of smell and taste

How taste buds work

Tip of tongue and taste recognition - this website says that its a myth that there are taste zones onthe tongue

How we sense hot and cold......

Braille how it works

Reading and Writing Braille
People read Braille by moving their fingertips from left to right across the lines of dots. When writing Braille, people move from right to left instead, physically pressing the dots into the paper so that they show up on the other side. There are many methods used to write Braille, including: Physically pressing each dot into paper using a handheld stylus to make the impressions and a slate to hold the paper
A Braille writer, which has one key for each of the six dots in a Braille cell A full QWERTY keyboard attached to a Braille printer
Learning to use these tools and to read Braille is a lot like learning to read and write print. Printed letters and Braille cells are both symbols for pieces of language. The first step is to learn each of these symbols and what they mean. The next is to learn to recognize the patterns that the letters form. This eventually leads to the comprehension of words, sentences and paragraphs.

Hope that will answer all your queries . please post more questions if some thing is left out .

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If You Won $100,000,000 ......?

lasik eye surgery nj
 on ... LASIK Surgeon New Jersey | Corneal Surgery Specialist Teaneck NJ
lasik eye surgery nj image

Barney Bla

If you won $100,000,000 in the lottery, what would you do with all that money?
I Would give my parents and my brother a quarter of it. Donate another quarter to various churches, gay/lesbian organizations, and animal shelters/rescue groups.
With the remaining $50 million, I'd put half in to a savings account, and spend the remaining $25 million on myself right away.......
A brand new Hyundai Tiburon, a Hummer H3, 50 acres on a mountain in PA, build and decorate my dream home in the middle of the 50 acres, buy 3 vacations homes - one in Cape May, NJ, one in Virginia Beach, VA, and one in Daytona Beach, FL. I'd get liposuction, Lasik eye surgery, breast reduction, rhinoplasty, septoplasty, laser hair removal, weekly spa treatments.
My boyfriend could retire early and I'd get him a professional dietician and personal trainer.
I'd like to buy a fixer upper apartment building, fix it up, and make it available to homeless people for free.
The more detailed your answer, the better chance I'll give you the 10 points. Just saying "I'll have a big party" or "I'll go to the mall" isn't going to get you the 10 points. Good luck!

(You can get a breast reduction covered by insurance FYI).

I would get:

A house that is three car garage with an inground pool and sand court for volleyball or whatever.

Two cars (Jeep Wrangler Four Door and a 57 Bel Air).

Pay my brothers mortgage off on his house, my parents cars, help out my favorite aunt with her house as her husband is sick.

Go on a long vacation cruise to Alaska, the Bahamas, cruise across the Atlantic Ocean, visit Ireland and Egypt.

Vacation home in OBX, vacation to Hawaii and the west coast.

Donate to animal shelters/rescue groups, gay/lesbian organizations, organizations that help out those raped and molested, Planned Parenthood.

Might get a tummy tuck.

Put some money in an account for my future children's future (strict rules will apply as I can't stand kids thinking they have a free ride!).

Buy some undeveloped land and make it an offroad park. Buy some more land for a boarding home for animals.

I am looking for afforadable No Blade LASIK in the northern NJ area. West Milford, Wayne, Area?


Lasik eye surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and Lasik surgery in India by a company called Indian Health Guru Consultants. The Price for dental and Lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America.

Indian Health Guru Consultants is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, Lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories.
They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.
Hope this helps.

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If You Won $100,000,000 ......?

lasik eye surgery nj
 on LASIK Eye Surgery Cost NJ | Price of New Jersey LASIK Eye Surgery
lasik eye surgery nj image

Barney Bla

If you won $100,000,000 in the lottery, what would you do with all that money?
I Would give my parents and my brother a quarter of it. Donate another quarter to various churches, gay/lesbian organizations, and animal shelters/rescue groups.
With the remaining $50 million, I'd put half in to a savings account, and spend the remaining $25 million on myself right away.......
A brand new Hyundai Tiburon, a Hummer H3, 50 acres on a mountain in PA, build and decorate my dream home in the middle of the 50 acres, buy 3 vacations homes - one in Cape May, NJ, one in Virginia Beach, VA, and one in Daytona Beach, FL. I'd get liposuction, Lasik eye surgery, breast reduction, rhinoplasty, septoplasty, laser hair removal, weekly spa treatments.
My boyfriend could retire early and I'd get him a professional dietician and personal trainer.
I'd like to buy a fixer upper apartment building, fix it up, and make it available to homeless people for free.
The more detailed your answer, the better chance I'll give you the 10 points. Just saying "I'll have a big party" or "I'll go to the mall" isn't going to get you the 10 points. Good luck!

(You can get a breast reduction covered by insurance FYI).

I would get:

A house that is three car garage with an inground pool and sand court for volleyball or whatever.

Two cars (Jeep Wrangler Four Door and a 57 Bel Air).

Pay my brothers mortgage off on his house, my parents cars, help out my favorite aunt with her house as her husband is sick.

Go on a long vacation cruise to Alaska, the Bahamas, cruise across the Atlantic Ocean, visit Ireland and Egypt.

Vacation home in OBX, vacation to Hawaii and the west coast.

Donate to animal shelters/rescue groups, gay/lesbian organizations, organizations that help out those raped and molested, Planned Parenthood.

Might get a tummy tuck.

Put some money in an account for my future children's future (strict rules will apply as I can't stand kids thinking they have a free ride!).

Buy some undeveloped land and make it an offroad park. Buy some more land for a boarding home for animals.

I am looking for afforadable No Blade LASIK in the northern NJ area. West Milford, Wayne, Area?


Lasik eye surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and Lasik surgery in India by a company called Indian Health Guru Consultants. The Price for dental and Lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America.

Indian Health Guru Consultants is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, Lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories.
They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.
Hope this helps.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Laser Eye Surgery - How long do you have to stop wearing contacts before a consultation?ontact lenses?

laser eye surgery 5 years
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I have hard contact lenses which I wear everyday, and have been doing so for the last 5/6 years, and I am considering gettting laser eye surgery. I know I would have to stop wearing my contacts for a few weeks before even going for a consultation but I can't remember the exact time can anyone tell me how many weeks it is?

Also is it possible to wear soft contact lenses for a certain amount of weeks and then my glasses and then get the consultation done?

I had Laser eye surgery done after wearing glasses for 16 years. It has been perfect for me. I have had no changes. Of course, as I age, I expect changes. I also co-manage refractive surgery and have seen hundreds of successful patients. It doesn't hurt, generally. There is a bit of pressure, but no real pain if you have Laser eye surgery. The PRK version (where no flap is cut) is a little more uncomfortable for the first few days following the procedure. I've seen several people who said they were in some pain, but healed just fine. I used to wear both glasses and contact lenses. I had Laser eye surgery done and it's the best decision I've ever made. I can see clearly, no squinting, no driving with glasses anymore. I can read road signs, see the individual leaves in the trees (they're not just a blurry mess anymore). It's also nice to be able to see what time it is when I wake up. The procedure is painless (although a bit uncomfortable) but takes less than 15 minutes. Highly recommended.

If you need help finding a reputed surgeon in India u can check out the ink below:
You can schedule a free appointment there and they'll answer all your questions and see if you qualify as a good candidate or not

I have contact lenses and I am 13. Will I be able to become an RAF pilot with laser eye surgery?

Some Guy

I have always wanted to be a pilot (specifically a pilot) in the RAF but I have contact lenses.
Do you think in 5 years my sight could recover? (probably not)
And if I were to have laser eye surgery, would I be allowed?

At this point in time you can't tell what will happen 5 years in advance. Your eyes are quite likely to change and that could be for better or worse although its more likely they will get worse. In 5 years time RAF rules on this type of thing may have changed and will in any case depend on your exact perscription at the time. Also there may be new developments - when I was 13 contacts were new and laser surgery unheard of. Keep hoping but do make other plans as well.

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Can LASIK eye surgery improve your eyesight to a certain percentage?

lasik eye surgery 20 10
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I don't know if my perscription is too high to get LASIK eye surgery and end with 20/20 vision but can lasik improve my eye sight to a certain percentage so I won't have to pay full price? Also, will I have to bring both my contacts and glasses perscription with me to the consultation?

If your vision is so bad that they can't completely fix it using lasik, (they can usually do up to around -8 -10 or so, depends on how thick your corneas are). Paying all that money and still wearing glasses (although thinner ones) afterwards doesn't sound like a wise investment to me. I believe there are other eye treatments capable of correcting higher degrees of nearsightedness available that are worth checking out first. It couldn't hurt to bring the prescriptions, as that way, they will have an idea of what they are up against. If you decide to go ahead with the procedure they will do their own quite thorough scrutiny of your eyes beforehand.

Is Wavefront Lasik the best laser eye surgery to date?

Q. I am scheduled for my Wavefront Lasik surgery next week. I was told this is the most recent, top of the line procedure available to date. I want to achieve better than perfect vision (20/10 or 20/15); and although it is not guaranteed, Wavefront Lasik has a higher percentage of success compared to other procedures to achieve, what I like to call, "high definition vision". Does anyone have any testimonials or web site links to verify if this is statistically true?

Wavefront lasik will in most cases give better results compared to surgery without using wavefront.

However as you say yourself results are not guaranteed.

Of course with all laser eye surgery there is of course no permanent cure and at some stage later in life spectacles will again need to be worn.

Please read up as much as you can before considering surgery.

Good Luck

Retired optometrist and husband of refractive eye surgery patient(now wearing spectacles 9yrs later!)

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Lasik question and prescription?

lasik eye surgery and 3d movies
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I am considering lasik surgery. My current eyeglass prescription is:

OD -13.25 CYL +1.50 AXIS 103
OS -12.75 CYL +1.50 AXIS 073

Of course that is really powerful. The dr said they would be able to correct about 90% of my vision, and bring me down to about a
-2.00 in each eye.

My question is, anyone out there with prescriptions in the -2.00 nearsighted range, how well can you see without your glasses? I have never experienced vision this good without glasses, so I am just wondering if I will be able to see fairly well without my new glasses on after the surgery.

2D myopia is certainly an improvement from where you are now, yet there is still noticable blur. At this level, glasses or contact lenses would be required for driving, watching a football game, etc. This is also almost the level that most people start to wear glasses or contacts full-time rather than "only to drive or watch a movie."

Even if LASIK cannot correct you fully, reducing or eliminating the astigmatism (the "+1.50 AXIS xxx" portion of your prescription) and lowering your prescription in general will open up more contact lens options. The change in distortion going between glasses and contacts is also much more tolerable at this level.

Some options to help you experience this sort of vision:

1) A decent simulator that may help with your decision:

2) Your doctor should also be able to show you what being -2D undercorrected looks like through the phoroptor or trial lenses.

3) Do you have an old pair of glasses laying around with a prescription close to one of these (they are equivalent)?
OD -11.25 +1.50 x 103
OS -10.75 +1.50 x 073
OD -9.75 -1.50 x 013
OS -9.25 -1.50 x 163
Wearing some old glasses with this prescription would give a good indication.

4) If you wear contacts, get some +2.00 reading glasses from the drugstore.

Of course, none of this addresses any other complications from surgery. You may also experience halos or ghosting that would worsen your best-corrected visual acuity from what you currently experience with glasses. Or, the result could come in less than a -2D target and be more like -3D.

Personally, if the doctor couldn't target < -1D with LASIK and I had good vision with glasses, I would not proceed. Possibly consider interocular lens (IOL) implants as an alternative.

Eye doctor & professionals only pls?

In project

Is this a lazy eye or something else?

My lids do not droop, The Left eye only "turns inward" when I am tired. It feels as though it I don't use that eye other then for peripheral vision. If I cover my right eye everything shifts. I can indeed watch 3D movies without an issue. I wear glasses/contacts with no problem and I do have a astigmatism in that eye. Also when I look to the left my right eye shuts down for the most part.

Pictures included to illustrate my problem. I really want to get this fixed. I plan to have lasik surgery at some point and was wondering if I should try to fix both problems at the same time. When I was a kid the eye doctor told my father that the problem was so slight no doctor would touch me in fear of causing the lazy eye to turn outward.... Do I have any hope or am I stuck with this problem. Will a patch help me now that I am 23 and done growing? Is it in fact a lazy eye?

Serious answers only please, preferably by a doctor. Thank you
I guess I have a slight case of Esotropia
(From the research I have done)
I can see clearly with glasses and with contacts in both eyes. My right eye (the one that doesn't turn in) is my dominant eye. The left eye (the one that turns in when I am tired) seems to be more of a peripheral vision eye... unless I cover my right eye. The picture where one eye turns upwards is when I look to the left dramatically. This causes the right eye to some what "turns off" so to speak.

Lazy eye is not turned eye or droopy lid, it is poor vision even with glasses. Does the eye turn when you are wearing your glasses? Often esotropia is due to being farsighted and it will disappear when you are wearing your glasses. The pictures were you without glasses and you do appear to have a small angle esotropia.

If you can see see depth when watching 3D movies, then you do not have significant lazy eye or significant eye turn. If the eye is nearly straight when wearing glasses then surgery should not be done as there is significant risk that surgery will make things worse. If the vision in the right eye is not good even with glasses, then you do have a lazy eye and although you could have LASIK on the right eye, you absolutely should not have LASIK on the left eye and no surgeon will do it.

If you are suitable for LASIK. you cannot have both LASIK and eye turn surgery done at the some time. They will have to be done on separate occasions.

You really need to have an assessment by a strabismus surgeon to determine whether surgery will help or not. Your regular eye doctor can refer to a surgeon; he/she can also tell you whether you have esotropia or lazy eye. It is impossible to tell if you have esotropia or lazy eye without personally examining your eyes.

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Will the price of lasik eye surgery go down in the near future?

lasik eye surgery price
 on LASIK Eye Surgery Costs | LASIK Surgery Cost
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Nova G

I was thinking of getting the lasik eye surgery, but the cost is keeping me down.
I have myopia with -4.5d. Last time I checked the cost for costumvue lasik surgery was around $ 3,800 for both eyes.
I live in DC metro area. Thanks

Nothing else in our society is getting cheaper these days and as you know, the cost of living (and doctor's expenses-- staff, cost of laser, maintenance fee for the laser, royalty for the laser manufacturer every time the laser is used, rent will not be coming down anytime soon). I would not trust my eyes to a bargain basement dr. who flies in from out of town, does dozens of surgeries and then comes back in weeks. You need an established surgeon who isn't going to move out of town next month. Remember, LASIK is surgery. Not blood and guts surgery. But still surgery.

Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery in Canada and Age Requirement?


I was planning on getting lasik eye surgery because I've always had bad eyes (hate wearing contacts). I was wondering what the average cost is in Canada. Is it cheaper than other parts or more expensive?

Also is there a certain age you have to be?

Lasik eye surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and lasik surgery in India by a company called Indian Health Guru Consultants. The Price for dental and lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America.

Indian Health Guru Consultants is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories.They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.
Hope this helps.

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Can you have a second lasik eye surgery?

lasik eye surgery enhancement
 on as with any surgery lasik eye surgery carries risks including ...
lasik eye surgery enhancement image

Just wondering...because what happens if someone had one like 20 years ago, and then their eyesight loses again, they want another lasik eye surgery...


Yes. What you are asking about is called Enhancement Surgery. An enhancement can be done as long as you have adequate corneal thickness remaining after your first surgery. When Lasik is performed, the shape of the cornea is flattened AND the cornea is thinned. Depending upon how thick your cornea was to start with and how much the cornea had to be thinned to achieve the amount of flattening needed to correct you prescription, you may or may not be able to have an enhancement. But, most people are able to have an enhancement. To know for sure, you will need to go in and find out how much change you have to correct this time and how thick your cornea is now. Your surgeon will be able to calculate this for you and tell you whether you are able to have an enhancement. Hope this helped.

In response to what was said by dog lover, this is simply not the case at all if patient selection is done correctly. If a patient is at least 18 and we can demonstrate that their prescription is stable, the chances of long term stability of a post operative prescription is quite high. In fact the great majority of patients, if they fit this criteria, do remain stable the remainder of their lives. As an example, I had my laser done 13 years ago and my prescription is EXACTLY the same now as it was 6 months after my surgery. And I am not an exception.

Where is the best place for LASIK eye laser surgery in South Korea?


I'm interested in getting corrective eye laser surgery (LASIK) and I want to know where the number one place for that is. I'll pay top dollar for guaranteed results (or as close to it as possible).

Lasik eye surgery is rather safe if only you are a suitable candidate. As with any surgery, there is a definite risk incurred. You must be screened for suitability and examined by the doctor personally. (Not the sales team to mislead you to get expensive package deal).

If you are a suitable candidate, the risk maybe :-
1.)Dry eyes (temporary)
2.)Regression/ enhancement
3.)Infection (3-5/20,000 for the next 3 weeks)
4.)Flap/ complication of treatment (rare)

A suitable candidate for Lasik surgery, it depends on:-
1.)Your corneal thickness
2.)Your power
3.)Your age
4.)A centre with a doctor who is examining your eyes personally
5.)Torough explanation to suit your lifestyle

Always insist on seeing the doctor performing the surgery for you. It is the due deligent of him or her to present the risk and benefit to you in detail personally.

Dr. Yeoh Phee Liang
Consultant Ophthalmologist

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Can LASIK eye surgery improve your eyesight to a certain percentage?

lasik eye surgery price
 on LASIK Eye Surgery Costs | LASIK Surgery Cost
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I don't know if my perscription is too high to get LASIK eye surgery and end with 20/20 vision but can lasik improve my eye sight to a certain percentage so I won't have to pay full price? Also, will I have to bring both my contacts and glasses perscription with me to the consultation?

If your vision is so bad that they can't completely fix it using lasik, (they can usually do up to around -8 -10 or so, depends on how thick your corneas are). Paying all that money and still wearing glasses (although thinner ones) afterwards doesn't sound like a wise investment to me. I believe there are other eye treatments capable of correcting higher degrees of nearsightedness available that are worth checking out first. It couldn't hurt to bring the prescriptions, as that way, they will have an idea of what they are up against. If you decide to go ahead with the procedure they will do their own quite thorough scrutiny of your eyes beforehand.

How much does Lasik eye surgery cost in Mexico? And is it safe there?


I have a cousin that got Lasik eye surgery in Mexico for about $400 for each eye. Is this a typical price in Mexico? In the U.S., prices are typically three times as much, like in the $1,500 to $2,000 range for each eye. I'm just a little hesitant doing any kind of surgery in Mexico.

I currently live in Dallas but I'm looking for affordable Lasik. Thanks

Stay away from mexico for any surgery. it costs more here because a Professional does it. it costs less in mexico because a wanna be US Citizen doctor does it.

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Can I become an army helicopter pilot if I have lasik eye surgery?

lasik eye surgery after 50
 on of dealing with eye problems today is LASIK Eye Surgery . LASIK ...
lasik eye surgery after 50 image


My uncorrected vision is very bad, over 20/200 I believe. I realize that the worst uncorrected vision you can have to become a helicopter pilot in the army is 20/50, but If I get lasik eye surgery which corrects it to 20/20 would I be eligible for flight school?

You are correct in that your uncorrected vision is too bad for you to be a helicopter pilot in the Army as is. However, you are also correct in that you can get LASIK surgery and still be eligible to apply if it corrects your vision to 20/20 or better.

The other poster is incorrect when he says that you have to have 20/20 uncorrected and that you cannot wear glasses at all to fly. You can and many people do. Once you finish flight school, your vision can get as worse as 20/400, but must still be correctable to 20/20. See AR 40-501, Standards of Medical Fitness which I have outlined and linked below:

Chapter 2
Physical Standards for Enlistment, Appointment, and Induction

2â12. Eyes

c. Cornea.

(1) Current or history of corneal dystrophy of any type (371.5), including but not limited to keratoconus (371.6) of any degree is disqualifying.

(2) History of refractive surgery including, but not limited to: Lamellar (P11.7) and/or penetrating keratoplasty (P11.6). Radial Keratotomy and Astigmatic Keratotomy is disqualifying. Refractive surgery performed with an Excimer Laser, including but not limited to, Photorefractive Keratectomy (commonly known as PRK), Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis (commonly known as LASEK), and Laser- Assisted in situ Keratomileusis (commonly known as LASIK) (P11.7) is disqualifying if any of the following conditions are met:

(a) Pre-surgical refractive error in either eye exceeds + 8.00 to - 8.00 diopters.

(b) At least 6 months recovery period has not occurred between last refractive surgery or augmenting procedure and accession medical examination.

(c) There have been complications, and/or medications or ophthalmic solutions are required.

(d) Post-surgical refraction in each eye is not stable as demonstrated byâ

1. At least two separate refractions at least one month apart, the most recent of which demonstrates more than +/- 0.50 diopters difference for spherical vision and/or more than +/- 0.25 diopters for cylinder vision; and

2. At least 3 months recovery has not occurred between the last refractive surgery or augmenting procedure and one of the comparison refractions.

What are the recommendations for Lasik eye surgery?


Please help, i would like to know the recommendations for lasik eye surgery! Such as eye health, general health, Ect...

I just had lasik last Thursday & would highly recommend it! The first step is to have a lasik evaluation. This exam SHOULD be free at whatever laser facility you choose. It is basically to determine if you are a candidate or not. Your eyes will be dilated that day and they will do multiple tests to check the overall health of your eyes.
The procedure itself was SOOO much better than I thought it would be! The surgeon talks you through the whole thing and its over before you know it!
overall, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made! I was a -7.00 and -7.50 prior to surgery and now I'm 20/20 without any correction :)
Good luck & best wishes to you!

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